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Leigh Newman

Leigh Newman author of the just published Still Points North: One Alaskan Childhood, One Grown-Up World, One Long Journey Home spent some of her early teenage years hanging out at a local bookstore.  She said, "It was my refuge. I loved that place. I used to sit and read and dream that I'd grow up to, not a writer...but a bookstore owner." But Leigh did grow up to be a writer.  We shall explore how that happened and other fascinating adventures along the way including her Alaskan training, which taught her to pack light, survive scares aboard her father's Cessna and elude marauding bears in rising flood waters.

HOSTS: Sandy Harper and Dick Reichman GUESTS: Leigh Newman, author Still Points North: One Alaskan Childhood, One Grown-Up World, One Long Journey Homebook editor for and columnist for the New York Times ORIGINAL BROADCAST: April 29, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. SUBSCRIBE: Get Alaska Radio Reader Rambler updates  automatically by e-mail, RSS or podcast ALASKA RADIO READER RAMBLER ARCHIVE Listen Now