Some students at Mt. Edgecumbe High School in Sitka recently went on a field trip, the kind of field trip we all might like to take, if we didn’t mind…
City Clerks Office Reviews Voting Problems. Bethel Judge Removed From Bench. Senate Passes Budget. Cleveland Volcano Acts Up. Fisheries Panel Moves to Protect Undersea Canyons. U.S. and Russian Coast Guards Work Together. Courts To Consider FASD Mitigations. Rural Hazardous Waste Problems. Yupik Dancers Wow Neatherlands Festival.
Some Dillingham schools kids spent the year learning Math through the lens of Yup’ik culture. And they used one of the last days of school to carry out an Alaska Native Tradition they learned about – wild bird egg hunting. KDLG's Daysha Eaton went along for the hunt, and has this snapshot of the day.