Highlight reel of candidates running for Anchorage assembly seat D, serving West Anchorage.
Wind conditions in Anchorage were not predicted to be strong enough to cause damage today, but sporadic gusts fell at least two trees in the Turnagain neighborhood in west Anchorage.
Another Anchorage politician has filed to run for office in 2014. Former Anchorage Assemblyman, Matt Claman, confirms that he will be running for the District 19 seat in the Alaska House of Representatives in 2014. That's the seat that Lindsey Holmes now holds.Download Audio
A write-in candidate is challenging Anchorage Assembly Chair Ernie Hall for Seat D, representing West Anchorage, in the upcoming municipal election -- his name is Nick Moe. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.news-20130325-04
The Anchorage Assembly appointed and a new member Tuesday. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.