Anchorage Municipality Withdraws Lawsuit over Knik Arm Crossing, Alaska’s Senators Push Legislation to Protect Rural Post Offices, Congressman Don Young Frustrated by US Involvement in Afghanistan, Sitka crabber rescued after boat sinks in Chatham, Native brotherhood, sisterhood meet in Klawock, Timber Task Force meets in Coffman Cove, Talkeetna Voters Oppose Massive Hydro Dam Proposal, Resource Policy Trip to Norway Expenses Exceed 90,000, AK: A Trip to Bus 142 on Stampede Road.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is taking a train ride in Alaska on Tuesday. The Secretary will ride the Alaska Railroad to the Spencer Glacier from Anchorage, stop at Girdwood for a meeting about safety concerns on the Seward Highway, and then on to the whistle stop at the glacier.
The U.S. Coast Guard are getting new response boats. The vessels are 45 feet long aluminum hulled, sporting twin diesel engines with water jet propulsion. Station Juneau recently got one of the new boats. Another is scheduled to arrive next month.
Tuesday, the U.S. Postal Service warned Congress it could lose $10 billion in the fiscal year that ends this month. That puts the Postal Service in danger of defaulting as it reaches its borrowing limit.
The new Commander of the Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office in Valdez was part of the team that investigated the sinking of the Fishing Vessel Alaska Ranger.