The Iditarod Trail was once a way to reach mining communities. Most of that is long gone, but economic activity has been returning to the trail in recent years. A mining road will be used to replace a dangerous set of switchbacks this year, and that could be just the beginning. VIDEO: Meet DeeDee Jonrowe's Lead Dog OmnistarKSKA: Tuesday, 2/28 at 10:00am
What if your insurance company helped you build a healthier grocery list or your work place paid part of your gym membership? Last time on Talk of Alaska we discussed the staggering cost of health care in the state and now we'll talk about solutions.KSKA: Tuesday, 2/21 @ 10:00am
We know more about outer space than we do about the undersea environment of our own planet. This is especially true in the mysterious waters of the Aleutian Islands, where unknown creatures and plants are being discovered.KSKA: Tuesday, 1/24 @ 10:00am
Public opinion polls show growing doubt that human activities are responsible for climate warming. Some analysts say this doubt is being manufactured by interest groups. Is denying climate change the same as denying the harmful effects of tobacco?KSKA: Tuesday, 1/10 at 10:00am
Cosmologists tell us that we are made of atoms born in super-novas. Our planet was spun into existence by creative forces, and our bodies know how to transform what we eat into what it takes to keep us going. People all over the world give thanks for this – some with every meal.
In 2011, Alaska was raked by storms and federal budget cuts began to be felt. A special session of the Legislature on coastal zone management went nowhere. Lawmakers whose corruption convictions were overturned were convicted again. We’ll be talking about the news of the past year on the last Talk of Alaska of 2011.
Wildlife management policymakers tend to talk about “sound science” - until science doesn’t support what they want to do. On the next Talk of Alaska we’ll talk about how to find the truth about wildlife when that truth is unwelcome and inconvenient.KSKA: Tuesday, 12/13 @ 10:00am
In the long dark nights of December, the movie screens of Anchorage light up for a film festival that every year transports movie-goers to exotic places all over the world and in the country of the imagination. We’ll have a preview of the 11th Annual Anchorage International Film Festival on the next Talk of Alaska.KSKA: Tuesday, 11/29 @ 10:00am
Aerial Predator Control is always controversial. And now its being proposed for the Kenai Peninsula for the first time. Advocates say its necessary to boost moose hunting opportunities for Alaska residents. But conservation groups say predators aren't causing the problem.KSKA: Tuesday 11/1 at 10:00 am
Alaskan seniors are seeing changes to Medicare under the federal Affordable Care Act. Dates for enrolling in prescription drug plans or changing existing plans are now earlier. What else do Alaskans need to know about changes to Medicare? What is a Medical Home? How is the shortage of doctors who will take Medicare patients in Alaska being addressed? KSKA & APRN: Tuesday 10/11 at 10:00 am