It looks like there was a spill from the Kulluk grounding after all. One of four life-boats dislodged and washed ashore as the huge rig grounded off Sitkalidik Island has at least two damaged fuel tanks. The rig itself has been towed to more sheltered waters and responders discovered the empty tanks while assessing materials washed to the the shoreline during the New Year's Eve grounding. The spill is estimated as under 270 gallons of diesel fuel. That estimate may rise as more tanks are examined on the four lifeboats.
The air quality permits for Shell Oil's Chukchi Sea drilling plans have passed muster with an appeals board of the Environmental Protection Agency. A…
There was a fuel spill in Nome Saturday morning that leaked up to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the ocean near the harbor. The vessel that hit rocks near the Nome Harbor and spilled up to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel belongs to Alaska Logistics – one of the main shippers to Western Alaska.
There is a fuel spill near the harbor in Nome. The Department of Environmental Conservation says a vessel was towing a barge Saturday when it lost propulsion and drifted into channel rocks.
Shell is working to contain an oil spill from one of its pipelines in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland. The crew on an oil platform there first observed a light sheen in the water last Wednesday. Around 1,300 barrels of oil have spilled so far into the sea.
There is an estimate out now of the amount of crude oil spilled from Royal Dutch Shell's offshore platform in the North Sea - about 1,300 barrels. Shell was able to depressurize the leaking pipe and then discovered an undersea valve from the same well was also leaking what it characterized as a small amount.
Royal Dutch Shell has an oil spill at an offshore platform in the North Sea, about 100 miles East of Aberden, Scotland. The spill appears to be in an undersea pipe, and the company says it shut down production from a well on Wednesday to de-pressurize the pipe.
The Trans Alaska Pipeline was shut down for maintenance over the weekend, and during pressure testing a valve blew where it runs under a road at BP's Lisburne field.