Racial bias permeates government policy and justice systems. It's also ubiquitous in the technology that we engage with on a daily basis.
KSKA: Friday, April 28 at 2:45pm Though a child may be taught the concept of what is right and what is wrong, it is only through life's specific experiences that she starts to understand what those concepts really mean and how they can affect her and loved ones around her. Such is the story of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird as adapted to the stage by Christopher Sergel and presented by Perseverance Theatre in the Discovery Theatre. Actors Keith McCoy ("Tom Robbins"), Theo Houck ("Dill") and Seth Coppens ("Scout") join host Steve Hunt this week on Stage Talk. To Kill a Mockingbird opens April 28th and runs through May 7th.LISTEN HERE
It's winter and the thoughts of all Alaskans go to visiting the tropics, and Valley Performing Arts is bringing to the stage Rogers and Hammerstein's classic musical South Pacific. But not all is as simple as "washing that man right outta my hair". Listen in to Stage Talk this week to hear Tanya Hegg (Nellie Forbush) and Ed Gilmore (The Professor) engage in a stimulating discussion of some of the deeper aspects of the play. South Pacific runs March 20th-April 19th in Wasilla.KSKA: Friday, Feb. 27, at 2:45pmListen Now:
Churches have fought racial prejudice or gone along with it at different times and places in Alaskan history. These deep, moral issues put spiritual leaders in a complex position, and they see their duties very differently.On the next Hometown, Alaska host Charles Wohlforth talks with two pastors about how religious faith might be relevant to issues of prejudice, how churches talk about those issues, and the pitfalls of broaching them.KSKA: Wednesday 9/18, at 2:00 pm (LIVE) and 9:00 pmListen Now
A nationally known life coach and educator is in Anchorage as the guest of local advocacy groups "Healing Racism in Anchorage" "and Bridge Builders". Brent Scarpo also produced a documentary dealing with hate crimes that captured national headlines a decade ago., and he'll be hosting workships aimed at helping people diffuse racism and bullying.