A federal judge in Anchorage is expected to rule soon on the state of Alaska and the fishing industry’s legal move to roll back restrictions on the Atka Mackerel and Pacific Cod fishery due to start at the first of the year around Adak and in the Western Aleutians.
The Coast Guard had no luck searching for a missing crew member from a cargo vessel in the Pacific Saturday. The Korean-flagged container carrier Mol Explorer out of Oakland reported a crew member missing Saturday afternoon.
The International Pacific Halibut Commission is offering a reward for a couple of pieces of scientific equipment that have been lost in waters off Alaska.
A former congressional aide may spend as much as 10-months in prison for a fishing violation while was a member of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.
Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...