Halibut harvests have been on the decline in the Bering Sea for years, but the amount that trawlers and catcher-processors are allowed to take has stayed the same. Now, federal regulators have agreed to consider stiffer limits on halibut bycatch.Download Audio
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council began taking public comment yesterday on measures to reduce the number of Chum Salmon caught incidentally by…
Coming up this week, we have a couple stories from the recent North Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting, hear the governor's plan to sell more fish to Europe, and find out how young fishermen can get a jump on learning the ropes.
A former congressional aide may spend as much as 10-months in prison for a fishing violation while was a member of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.
Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...