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  • Scientists in Alaska spend weeks at a time in remote locations gathering information to better inform us about the world we live in. On this week’s show we learn from two USGS scientists what it’s like to work in the field.
  • 00000192-9ca2-dda9-a1f3-defb320b0000How does he even get those amazing natural wildlife sounds, as if he were standing right next to that grunting grizzly bear! As the host of Encounters, Richard Nelson is our guide to the fascinating sights,sounds and behaviors of Alaska’s resilient animals. For an opportunity to talk with Alaska anthropologist and naturalist Richard Nelson, join host Kathleen McCoy on a special edition of Hometown, Alaska on Friday.KSKA: Friday 11/11 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
  • October has arrived and with it brings a whole array of new shows and episodes to entertain viewers.Tune in to Masterpiece Contemporary's new series Worricker airing on Sunday, November 9 and 16 at 8:00 pm. The prequel, Page Eight, will air on Thursday, November 6 at 9:00 pm.
  • Whales and dolphins remain a constant source of fascination. But how much do we really know about them? Whales and dolphins, known as cetaceans, may appear to be totally alien to us — but with their mental ability, group communication and the recent discovery that dolphins have individual names, they are closer to us than we ever imagined. This series provides new insights into the lives of whales and dolphins in a visually powerful, engaging and entertaining format. Two of the world’s top underwater cameramen — Doug Allan (“Planet Earth”’s polar specialist) and Didier Noirot (Cousteau’s front-line cameraman) — film breathtaking encounters. Teams of intrepid scientists equipped with the latest technology are making extraordinary breakthroughs in their understanding of these intelligent life forms — breakthroughs that may safeguard their survival.KAKM: Wednesday, Feb. 22"Giant Lives" @ 7:00pm"Deep Thinkers" @ 8:00pm"Voices of the Sea" @ 9:00pm
  • An unusually large North Slope wildfire released a massive amount of carbon into the atmosphere.
  • Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...