Coming up this week: As the pollock A season wraps up, villagers call for a crackdown on the trawl fleet because it's intercepting too many of their salmon, Obama's National Oceans Policy is criticized at a panel in Anchorage and fishermen want more information on ocean acidification.
Coming up this week more money from the feds for fishery stock assessment is in the pipeline, Metlakatla's salmon fishery gets certified by the MSC, and NOAA Fisheries wants to hear your voice. All that, and studying how permits get dispersed among the fleet.
UnAlaska Dutch Harbor is the busiest fishing port in the world. And the fish that fuels that distinction is pollock. But this pollock season has been a bust so far. And many boat owners have started sending crews home.
A pair of small, high-end cruise lines are expanding their Alaska fleets. The Seattle-based companies are filling some of the void left when Cruise West went out of business about a year ago.
The Bering Sea groundfish trawl fleet began catching more and more salmon at the turn of the 21st century. Meanwhile, Yukon River salmon runs began to dwindle. On the next Talk of Alaska, we’ll hear what is being done to reduce salmon bycatch, and talk about whether it’s enough.