This week’s episode of Addressing Alaskans continues with speakers from the 2021 Bettye Davis African American Summit on COVID-19. Speakers discuss how COVID-19 has impacted the local and national economy and how the pandemic has affected the local justice system.
KSKA: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2 pm and 8 pm. We all know the economy is bad. On the next Hometown Alaska, we'll talk about how bad, how long it will last, and, perhaps most important, what to do about it. Instead of sitting around waiting for the oil price to rise or the legislature to find a fiscal solution, our guests have looked at Alaska's assets, our people, and how to get to a brighter future. LISTEN HERE
This year’s Iditarod restart will be in Fairbanks for only the second time in the race’s 43-year history. Poor trail conditions prompted the move, and many some mushers are happy with the change. For businesses in the Susitna Valley, however, there will be a significant economic impact. Download Audio
No where else but Alaska do you get the opportunity to catch world class salmon. Eight of the ten top ten world class salmon that are caught on rod and reel come from the Kenai River. This week on Addressing Alaskans listen to Ricky Gease, executive director Kenai River Sportfishing Association talk about the economic impacts, management and future of sport fishing in Alaska.KSKA: Thursday 6/14 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
For the visitor industry, Anchorage is a product we are all selling. While the national economy was in a slump, those sales weren’t going so well. Now, as…
Larry Persily's talk entitled “Alaska’s Natural Gas: Does Any Country Need It?” was recorded at the Alaska World Affairs Council in Anchorage on January 20, 2012.
This week on Addressing Alaskans Australian Consul General, Christopher De Cure asks, "Is China’s demand for resources shifting the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region?" His talk was recorded at the Alaska World Affairs Council on August 26.KSKA: Thursday 9/15 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pmPROGRAMMING UPDATE: The President of Iceland will not be broadcast on KSKA, but you can listen here.
A University of Alaska professor says there’s a lot of value remaining in proven North Slope oil reserves, but the state needs to do a better job preparing for the future.
House Votes to Bar FDA Approval of ‘Frankenfish’, Congressional Delegates Divided on Likelihood of Gas Pipeline, UAA Professor Urges Better Management of Oil Reserves, Annual Finances Released by Congressional Delegates, and more...