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  • Governor Parnell today (Thursday) put the final touches on a law that legislators thought they had handled four years ago. With his signature, it is now illegal to send or read a text message while you are driving. Period, no question about it.
  • Car, boat or snowmachine, driving is a reponsibility, a privilege, a rite of passage, a danger and a freedom at any age! This time on KTD we're exploring all the facets of what it means to be young with a license to drive in Alaska with our guests, Don McDermott, a retired-educator-turned-driving-instructor, and Lt. Arthur "Tom" Dunn, the deputy commander of the Alaska Highway Patrol. We'll discuss safety issues, driver's ed, licensing, preventing drunk driving and why modern teens aren't getting their licenses as early as teens of yore.KSKA: Tuesday 4/10 @ 2pm & 7pm
  • 00000192-9ca2-dda9-a1f3-defb37b70000Winter driving in Alaska. Fun? Frustrating? Frightening? What are the written and unwritten rules of winter driving in Southcentral Alaska? Learn from seasoned AK drivers and share your stories about the best ways to negotiate our icy winter streets, especially during this busy holiday season on the next Hometown, Alaska.Wednesday 11/30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm