The proposed Susitna Watana Dam project is moving forward. The Alaska Energy Authority, which is planning to build the huge hydroelectric facility, has filed paperwork with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which, if approved, puts the project on a timeline for completion in about six years.
Anchorage Municipality Withdraws Lawsuit over Knik Arm Crossing, Alaska’s Senators Push Legislation to Protect Rural Post Offices, Congressman Don Young Frustrated by US Involvement in Afghanistan, Sitka crabber rescued after boat sinks in Chatham, Native brotherhood, sisterhood meet in Klawock, Timber Task Force meets in Coffman Cove, Talkeetna Voters Oppose Massive Hydro Dam Proposal, Resource Policy Trip to Norway Expenses Exceed 90,000, AK: A Trip to Bus 142 on Stampede Road.
Anecdotal reports from the public have revealed that beaver activity has grown in northern Alaska and looks to have an impact on salmon.
Congress Still Has No Deal for National Debt, Partial FAA Shutdown Imminent; Anchorage Mayor Proposes Limiting Downtown Sidewalk Sitting; EPA Releases Two Draft Permits for Offshore Projects; Missing Railroad Employee’s Body Found Near Healy; and more...