President Obama created Tuesday a new inter-agency group to coordinate oil and gas development in Alaska.
Obama Creates Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Oil and Gas Development in Alaska, CSIS Holds Conference on Arctic Oil and Gas Development, House Bill Could Put Limits on 'Biometrics', Kohring Requests Outside Trial, and more...
July 1 at 2:00pm on KSKA 91.1FM and 7:30pm on KAKM, Channel 7 televisionGov. Sean Parnell vetoes $400 million from the capital budget; Coastal Zone Management Program dies in a special session of the Legislature; Anchorage Superintendent of Schools Carol Comeau announces her retirement, and more.
The state’s Coastal Zone Management Program will finish closing down by the end of the day on Thursday.
Coming up this week, no commercial king fishing on the Yukon again this summer, Area M fishermen skip the first opener in solidarity with AYK fishermen.
This week on Alaska Edition, host Michael Carey is joined in the studio by Paul Jenkins, from the Anchorage Daily Planet, Steve MacDonald, of KTUU Channel 2 News, and Libby Casey, APRN’s Washington DC correspondent.