Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or UAS, will soon be flying more often over Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Soldiers assigned to the aircraft just tested out a new runway on the base earlier this month. Officials say it will allow more training on the remotely piloted aircraft in Anchorage.Download Audio
It costs more than $1,000 per month to rent a one bedroom apartment in Anchorage according to the most recent rental survey by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. That number has convinced the city to make affordable housing the main priority in its 2014 Housing and Development Plan. That means money that used to go to social services agencies that serve the poor and homeless will be redirected to projects to help lower rental prices in the city. Download Audio
The Anchorage Assembly voted to repeal a controversial labor law at their regular meeting Tuesday night, but Mayor Dan Sullivan used his veto power to over ride their decision.
This week social service providers held a town hall at Beans Cafe to discuss winter safety with Anchorage's homeless community. Keeping warm and safe outdoors is more important this winter than ever because the city's homeless shelter is going back to a rule that kicks people out if they're not making progress toward finding permanent housing. Download Audio
The Red Cross of Alaska unveiled a new Mobile Emergency Response Communications Center at their headquarters in Anchorage Tuesday afternoon. Download Audio
Members of the Anchorage Tea Party and Libertarian groups have filed an application to put a ballot measure before voters that would prevent the municipality from deducting union dues directly from employee paychecks.Download Audio