KSKA: Wednesday, June 28, 2 pm and 8 pm. Artist Sarah Davies created the public exhibition 100 Stone by collaborating with individuals who had experienced depression to create body casts. Eventually dozens were installed on the beach below Point Woronzof. Now, Davies and the Alaska Humanities Forum want to fund another compelling work that engages and heals. LISTEN HERE
KSKA: Thursday, Sept. 15, at 2:00 p.m. Budget cuts have forced the University of Alaska to look at eliminating sports, potentially making Alaska the only state without collegiate athletics, including its' ski team. On the next show we’ll hear interviews with the alpine and nordic coaches at UAA. We'll also speak with the director of the skiing program at APU. We’ll learn a lot more about a subject we haven’t covered before on the show.LISTEN NOW
In most places, summer isn’t the best time to ski. But atop a mile-high glacier in Girdwood, elite skiers have converged from across the country—and the world—to train.Download Audio
Alaska Pacific University is lowering their tuition more than 30 percent. The president of the Anchorage private liberal arts college says the change will make a college education more affordable for Alaskans, and hopefully, boost their enrollment.Download Audio
Preparing for college can be an entire family affair, not to mention the teachers and counselors who all pull together to help a young person get ready to succeed in higher education. This time on KTD we're talking about what it takes to get to university - and once accepted - how to do one's best during those college years. For this conversation we check in with advisors from two of Alaska's higher learning institutions: University of Alaska, Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University. KSKA: Tuesday 5/1 @ 2p & 7p
Alaska has only three private colleges listed by the college board, and only one offering a four-year liberal arts education. Others have failed, and many students assume they must leave the state for educational choices. APU President Don Bantz discusses the challenges and rewards of running a private college in Alaska, and the benefits for students. Join host Charles Wohlforth to talk about options for our brightest young people on Hometown, Alaska.KSKA: Wednesday 4/4 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm