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  • Monday, February 5, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Advances in our understanding of the how the brain and mind work are some of the most important and fascinating findings in science today. Dr. John Medina has been following the research and summarizing the findings in a series of books for lay audiences. In this program we discuss his most recent book Brain Rules for Aging Well: 10 Principles for Staying Vital, Happy, and Sharp. LISTEN HERE
  • Monday, July 04, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Much of the extended life span of humans today can be attributed to the control of pathogenic microbes. As a result, the promotion of health and attention on chronic disease is becoming the focus of health care. However, along the way we are discovering a new appreciation of the health benefits provided by much more abundant non-pathogenic microbes that evolved with us. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
  • Dr. Pamela Greenwood is a long time researcher on cognitive aging at George Mason University whose work in this area has led her to explore on how we might be able to slow down the process. On the next Line One, we will discuss her work and the book written with associate Dr. Raja Parasuaman, Nurturing the Older Mind and Brain.KSKA: Monday 8/12 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • Tuesday, August 30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pmNot everyone has kids. Deciding not to become parents can be just as big of a decision as opting to start a family. On this episode of Kids These Days! we speak with two authors who are childfree about why they made the difficult choice to live life without littles and how it impacts their current lives. Plus, a Pew Research study linking higher rates of childlessness with more tolerant social attitudes, and growing old without children.