Tag: Union Ordinance
Hall Proposes New Testimony Protocol, Unions Apply to Hold Referendum
The Anchorage Assembly Chair says he's going to introduce a new ordinance that will better outline how public hearings work. Meanwhile, Anchorage union leaders have applied to hold a referendum that could repeal a controversial ordinance recently passed by the Assembly. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has more.
Officials Reviewing Anchorage Election, Write-in Campaign Hopeful
The election commission has started reviewing question ballots from Tuesday's municipal election in Anchorage. But they won't be counting absentees until next week. KSKA'S Daysha Eaton has the story.
Write-In Moe, Gives Assembly Chair Run for Seat, Energizes Election
It was hit and miss for Assembly Candidates backed by conservative Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan in Tuesday's Municipal Elections. And the makeup of the Anchorage Assembly seems as though it will be shifting.
Write-in Moe Challenges Hall for Assembly Seat D
A write-in candidate is challenging Anchorage Assembly Chair Ernie Hall for Seat D, representing West Anchorage, in the upcoming municipal election -- his name is Nick Moe. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.