Tag: Title 21
Anchorage Assembly Passes Title 21
After a decade of revisions, the Anchorage Assembly passed Title 21 Tuesday night. Several versions of the Assembly have been revising Title 21, or Anchorage land-use law, for about 10 years. At their regular meeting Tuesday night the current assembly finally approved it, with more than 150 amendments.
Anchorage Residents Push for Water Protections in Title 21
A group of home owners in the Rabbit Creek neighborhood are concerned that non-residential development could drain their water supply. They say it could happen in many neighborhoods on the Hillside and are suggesting an amendment to Title 21, Anchorage land-use law as a preventative measure. Members of the Anchorage Assembly are in the final stages of a 10-year review of Title 21, which has been in the news for addressing issues like sidewalks, landscaping and stream setbacks. But the Rabbit Creek residents say, if it goes through without addressing water issues, the municipality could face problems down the road.
Anchorage Assembly Hears Title 21 Testimony, Nobody Likes Rewrite Much
The Anchorage Assembly heard public testimony on the long-anticipated rewrite of Anchorage land-use law, Title 21, at their meeting Tuesday night. More than 40 people testified. KSKA's Daysha Eaton was there and has the highlights.
The Document That Will Determine How Anchorage Grows: Title 21 Finally Before the Assembly
A long-anticipated rewrite of Anchorage land use law, also known as 'Title 21', is set to come before the Anchorage Assembly tomorrow (1/15, Tues). The revision has been in the works for nearly 10 years. Public hearings are expected to be lively. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has the story.
Title 21: Anchorage’s Latest Hot Potato
KSKA: Wednesday 8/31 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
After a decade of citizen, consultant and city planning elbow grease, the rewrite of Anchorage’s land use code is nearing the finish line of one very long marathon. The last big hurdle comes when the plan re-emerges from the Mayor’s Office. Comment and implementation timetables are still fuzzy.
Title 21: The Future Face of Anchorage
Mon., Aug. 1 at 1:00 pm and Sat. Aug. 6 at 6:30 pm
Title 21, it's sweeping; it's controversial; and often it's confusing. For nearly 10 years Anchorage has grappled with rewriting Title 21, the municipality's land use code, but for many its details remain hazy. Join us for an on-going series on the project Mondays at 1:00 pm on A Closer Look, starting August 1.
Debt Reduction; Title 21; and the 8(a) Contracting Debate
Friday, July 8 at 2:00pm and Saturday, July 9 at 6:04pm on KSKA 91.1FM. Airing on KAKM on Friday, July 8 at 7:30pm and Saturday, July 9 at 5:00pm
President Obama has made Congress stay after school to iron out a deficit reduction and national debt plan; who is Major Barney - and why is he in jail struggling to have a judge grant him bail?; Title 21 - the Anchorage land use code - has been under review for, well, years, and it has been the source of intense debate...
Alaska News Nightly: June 28, 2011
Parnell Vows to Veto Coastal Management Bill, Parnell Proposes to ‘Secure Alaska’s Future Initiative – Oil’, Estimate of Cook Inlet Natural Gas Reserves Increased by 10x, NASA Wraps Up ICESCAPE Mission, and more...
Speaker Requests on Title 21 Denied By Assembly Chair
The Title 21Rewrite Project covering land development and building requirements is not on this evening's Anchorage Assembly agenda. Despite that, Title 21 will still draw a determined group of interested - if silent - citizens.
State of the City and Title 21 Update
Monday, June 13 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Elected Mayor of Anchorage just over two years ago, Dan Sullivan gave his State of the City address at a Building Operators and Managers Association (BOMA) of Anchorage luncheon on June 10.