Tag: Open Projector Night
Weekly Roundup
July 25, 2011 - July 29, 2011
Here are some stories you may have missed this week: Para-Cycle Race Under Way in Ester, Language Tool Teaches Tlingit Alphabet, ‘Open Projector Night’ Draws Filmmakers and Fans, Pioneers Make Innovative Use of Fish Waste, This Week on AK: Yard Sales
‘Open Projector Night’ Draws Filmmakers and Fans
Open Mic Nights are a common enough occurrence at cafes and campuses. But something different has been building buzz around Anchorage.
Video by John Norris.
Alaska News Nightly: July 27, 2011
Young Would Vote ‘Yes’ On Boehner’s Plan, Federal Employee Union Concerned About Deficit Battles, Last Minute Offers May Keep Alaska Newspapers Alive, Navy to Sink Two Ships Per Year in Gulf Exercises, and more...