Tag: north slope
Alaska News Nightly: August 2, 2011
Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...
Grant to Study Trucking Natural Gas Approved by Fairbanks Assembly
The Fairbanks borough assembly has approved spending half a million in state grant money to fund studies to assess trucking in natural gas from the North Slope and distributing it in Fairbanks.
Alaska News Nightly: July 22, 2011
Congress Still Has No Deal for National Debt, Partial FAA Shutdown Imminent; Anchorage Mayor Proposes Limiting Downtown Sidewalk Sitting; EPA Releases Two Draft Permits for Offshore Projects; Missing Railroad Employee’s Body Found Near Healy; and more...
BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope
BP has had another spill on the North Slope. Liquids squirted out of a conduit under a road during a pressure test at the Lisburne field.
Alaska News Nightly: July 18, 2011
Rep. Young Missing from Washington as Congress Nears Debt Limit Deadline, Two Fort Wainwright-based Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan, BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope, Convicted Poacher Sentenced on Probation Violation, and more...
‘Bullet Line’ May Disrupt Plans for Cook Inlet Drilling
State legislators have largely been enthusiastic about a report they asked for that indicates it would be possible for the state to finance a so-called "bullet line" to deliver North Slope natural gas to the Interior and South Central parts of the state, where gas wells are playing out.
Alaska News Nightly: July 7, 2011
Alaska Senators Back ‘Pilot’s Bill of Rights', ‘Bullet Line’ May Disrupt Plans for Cook Inlet Drilling, Sea Otters Tagged for Population Study, New Statistics Show Unemployment Rates are Higher for Veterans, and more...
Parnell Plans Aggressive Push for ANWR and APR-A Development
Governor Parnell announced plans on Thursday to aggressively push oil development on state lands and waters including areas next to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska.
Study Show New Details on Declining Oil
A study released today lays out new details on an old problem: declining oil throughput in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.
Alaska News Nightly: June 29, 2011
Parnell Finalizes Operating and Capital Budgets, Parnell’s Budget Cuts Were Expected, Alaskans Asked for Feedback on Chukchi Oil Spill Impact Plan, Study Show New Details on Declining Oil Throughput in TAPS, and more...
Parnell Proposes to ‘Secure Alaska’s Future Initiative – Oil’
Despite his stance on the Coastal Management Program, Governor Sean Parnell outlined an ambitious program to get the state's economy moving at the annual meeting of the Resource Development Council in Anchorage on Tuesday.
Alaska News Nightly: June 28, 2011
Parnell Vows to Veto Coastal Management Bill, Parnell Proposes to ‘Secure Alaska’s Future Initiative – Oil’, Estimate of Cook Inlet Natural Gas Reserves Increased by 10x, NASA Wraps Up ICESCAPE Mission, and more...
Parnell Administration Optimistic About Gas Pipeline
Despite skepticism from Alaska’s congressional delegation about the future of a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to North American markets, the Parnell administration is still optimistic – and they’re still working on what they consider the opening steps of a long project.
Alaska News Nightly: June 17, 2011
Salazar Announces Acceleration of Lease Sale in NPR-A, Arctic Council Reports Record Temperatures Since 2005, Former Mayor of Sitka Ben Grussendorf Dies of Illness, Parnell Administration Optimistic About Gas Pipeline, and more...
Congressional Delegates Divided on Likelihood of Gas Pipeline
The dream of getting a gas pipeline to connect Alaska’s North Slope with the Lower 48 is an old one, and in recent years, it’s seemed closer than ever. But even as the company TransCanada works toward building a line, skepticism is mounting among some members of Alaska’s Congressional delegation that a project will happen any time soon, if at all.
UAA Professor Urges Better Management of Oil Reserves
A University of Alaska professor says there’s a lot of value remaining in proven North Slope oil reserves, but the state needs to do a better job preparing for the future.
Alaska News Nightly: June 16, 2011
House Votes to Bar FDA Approval of ‘Frankenfish’, Congressional Delegates Divided on Likelihood of Gas Pipeline, UAA Professor Urges Better Management of Oil Reserves, Annual Finances Released by Congressional Delegates, and more...
North Slope Gets Full-Time Veterinarian
In most parts of the country, pets owners don't have to worry about having access to a veterinarian. But on Alaska's North Slope, the community has been without the services of a full-time resident vet for about eight years. So many locals were pleasantly surprised when the North Slope Borough Health Department announced recently they had finally filled the position.
Talk of Alaska: Approaching AGIA
The Governor has called for a special legislative session on the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) this spring and is sharing two members of...