Tag: labor ordinance
When Will Voters Weigh in on Anchorage Labor Law?
Anchorage Assembly members introduced two ordinances at their regular meeting Tuesday night that would suspend voting on a controversial labor initiative.
Initiative Repealing Labor Law Could be Heading for Ballot Box
In Anchorage, it looks like supporters of a ballot measure that would repeal a controversial labor ordinance passed by the Anchorage Assembly earlier this year have gathered the signatures needed to put the issue before voters.
Hall Wins West Anchorage District by 500 Votes, Labor Referendum Denied
The 'Write-in Nick Moe' campaign has announced they will not challenge the results of the Anchorage Municipal Election in West Anchorage's District 3. Thousands of voters wrote-in Moe's name on the ballot, but even after a hand-count election, election officials say Moe lost by more than 500 votes. Also today, Anchorage attorneys today denied an application to hold a referendum repealing the controversial ordinance that limits unions *and inspired Moe to jump into the race.
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