Tag: governor walker
AFN Asks Walker to Change Position on Adoptions
The Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, and a dozen regional Native non-profits are asking Governor Bill Walker to change his position in a case involving the adoption of Alaska Native children. They say the state’s position in the case Tununuk v. the state of Alaska erects barriers between tribal children and tribal homes.
As Capital Budget Work Begins, A Call For Lower Expectations
The Legislature had already received more than $1 billion in capital requests from communities and organizations. Of those, only health and public safety projects will get priority consideration.
Health Department Says Medicaid Expansion Can Save State Money
Health Commissioner Valerie Davidson unveiled two new reports today (Friday) at a press conference in Anchorage she hopes will help make the case for Medicaid expansion. They show Alaska can actually save money by expanding the program, even as the federal match drops below 100 percent.
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