Tag: Electric
Dividend Checks Pay for Fuel in Rural Alaska
In rural Alaska, dividend checks do more than pay for new sofas. Meera Kohler is the President and CEO of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative or AVEC. Kohler says, many people in village pre-pay their winter electric bills with their PFD. She says the day checks get deposited is the busiest day of the year for AVEC.
Fire Island Wind Project, Chugach Electric Agreement Facing Tough Opposition
This week, the power purchase agreement between Chugach Electric Association and the Fire Island Wind Project has come before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska for its needed approval.
Residents Respond to Healy Clean Coal Plan Plan
Golden Valley Electric’s plan to buy and restart the Healy clean coal plant drew attention at a utility board meeting Monday night in Fairbanks.
Fire Island Wind Project Take Step Forward
Anchorage-based Chugach Electric Association's board has approved a set of terms and conditions for the project to supply the electric utility with power from the wind farm.