Tag: DEC

New EPA Standards Slash Wood-Fired Heater Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency has issued updated standards for wood fired heaters. The EPA wood heating appliance emissions standards reduce smoke by two thirds compared to current levels set in 1988. Download Audio

Fuel Spilled After Vessel Loses Power, Drifts into Channel Rocks

There was a fuel spill in Nome Saturday morning that leaked up to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the ocean near the harbor. The vessel that hit rocks near the Nome Harbor and spilled up to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel belongs to Alaska Logistics – one of the main shippers to Western Alaska.

Fuel Spilled After Vessel Loses Power, Drifts into Channel Rocks

There is a fuel spill near the harbor in Nome. The Department of Environmental Conservation says a vessel was towing a barge Saturday when it lost propulsion and drifted into channel rocks.

Officials Issue Warning on Fraudulent Food Inspectors

Officials with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s food safety program are warning restaurant and processor owner/operators about fraudulent food inspectors.

Officials Tracking Elevated Bacteria Levels at Kenai River Beach

Elevated levels of bacteria have been found in water sampled at a Kenai River beach.

Alaska News Nightly: July 18, 2011

Rep. Young Missing from Washington as Congress Nears Debt Limit Deadline, Two Fort Wainwright-based Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan, BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope, Convicted Poacher Sentenced on Probation Violation, and more...