Tag: Crude Oil
BP Continues Cleanup of Lisburne Drill Site Spill
A spokesman for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation says BP Exploration Alaska plans to complete cleanup of a spill at the Lisburne Production Facility drill site on Alaska's North Slope before digging up the pipe that burst and caused it.
Alaska News Nightly: July 19, 2011
‘Gang of Six’ May Break Through Debt Ceiling Stalemate, Legislative Hearing Targets Government Waste, BP Continues Cleanup of Lisburne Drill Site Spill, 2012 Kuskokwim 300 Race Could be Called Off, and more...
BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope
BP has had another spill on the North Slope. Liquids squirted out of a conduit under a road during a pressure test at the Lisburne field.
Alaska News Nightly: July 18, 2011
Rep. Young Missing from Washington as Congress Nears Debt Limit Deadline, Two Fort Wainwright-based Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan, BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope, Convicted Poacher Sentenced on Probation Violation, and more...
Obama Releases Oil Due to Supply Disruptions
Thursday morning, the Obama Administration announced it was releasing 30 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and the price of crude on the futures market went down $5 a barrel.
Feds File Charges Saying Speculators Driving Up Crude Prices
A federal enforcement agency has filed charges that say speculators have been driving up the price of crude oil, which, in turn, affects the price of fuel at the gasoline pump and the fuel barge.