Tag: Commercial Fishing
Fish talk: Using state’s Alaska Wild Salmon Day to learn more
August 10 is a state-designated day to celebrate and learn about Alaska Wild Salmon. Join us with your own salmon tales as we talk with a policy maker who has been both a commercial and sport fisherman, a scientist studying the aquatic ecology on the Kenai River, and a subsistence fisherman and advocate from Dillingham.
Ocean Acidification And How It Affects Alaska’s Fisheries
Shellfish are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification, and colder waters are becoming more acidic than warm waters. What does this mean for Alaska and its fisheries – especially crabs and oysters? Or for the food chain that feeds other species in the ocean? The answers are beginning to come in from the scientific world, and we’ll learn more about ocean acidification on the next Talk of Alaska.
APRN: Tuesday, 2/17 at 10:00 a.m.
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North Pacific Halibut Bycatch Limit Could See 50 Percent Cut
Halibut harvests have been on the decline in the Bering Sea for years, but the amount that trawlers and catcher-processors are allowed to take has stayed the same. Now, federal regulators have agreed to consider stiffer limits on halibut bycatch.
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The Alaska Fisheries Report With Jay Barrett
Coming up this week, more reaction to the IPHC's recent halibut quota announcement; commercial fishing in Cordova is being threatened by dipnetters, and Yardarm Knot's Naknek cannery has been sold. All that and just how much seafood can a sea otter eat if a sea otter could eat sea... never mind - coming up on the Alaska Fisheries Report.
KSKA: Friday, 12/9 @ 2:30pm
Southeast Fleets Gets No Opportunity for Fishery Targeting
Southeast’s commercial fishing fleets this May had no opportunity for a directed fishery targeting Chinook salmon returning to the Stikine and Taku rivers, two trans-boundary rivers in central and northern Southeast.
Alaska News Nightly: July 11, 2011
Shell Oil Permits Opposed by 19 Environmental Groups, Fuel Barge Runs Aground Near Dillingham, Substance Abuse Program for Pregnant Women Celebrates 20th Anniversary, Lighting Strikes Ignite Over 30 Fires, and more...