Tag: Bowhead Whale
Biologists Hard at Work on Whale Census
The International Whaling Commission meetings wrapped up in Jersey, England Thursday, North Slope officials, including Borough Mayor Edward Itta were pleased with the tone of the meetings.
Alaska News Nightly: July 15, 2011
Maniilaq Association Lays Off Unspecified Number of Employees, Rachelle Waterman Sentenced to Three Years, Indian Affairs Committee Investigating Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Rates, Mat-Su Mayor Surprised by Anchorage’s Suit Against Knik Arm Crossing, and more...
Parnell Plans Aggressive Push for ANWR and APR-A Development
Governor Parnell announced plans on Thursday to aggressively push oil development on state lands and waters including areas next to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska.