Tag: Arne Fuglvog
Former Crew Members Attempted to Turn in Fuglvog
When Senator Murkowski’s fisheries aide pulled out from consideration for an influential job in the Obama Administration two years ago, he said it was because the process was taking too long.
Murkowski Unaware for Months of Aide’s Plea Deal
Senator Lisa Murkowski says she didn’t know for months that her fisheries aide had signed a plea deal with federal authorities admitting to fishing illegally.
Alaska News Nightly: August 5, 2011
State Intervenes in Pebble Mine Case, Murkowski Unaware for Months of Aide’s Plea Deal, Airport Safety Project to Resume Following FAA Reauthorization, Boycott, Protests Continue Outside of Hilton Anchorage, and more...
The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett
Friday, August 5 at 2:00pm
One of the most influential men in fisheries policy will be going to prison after admitting to federal fisheries violations. Seafood dot com's John Sackton weighs in on the Arne Fuglvog situation. And, will enough kings reach the border to make the Canadians happy? All that, and the pink salmon season looks strong in Southeast and in Kodiak Island waters.