Tag: Anchorage School District
BP Oil Spill Case; and Petroleum Lease Sales
The stories up for discussion this week are: the BP oil spill case; petroleum lease sales bring in $21 million; film industry incentive program; potential road extension to Nome; fatal hit-and-run suspect arrested; Coastal Zone Management; Clearwire wireless leaving Alaska; Anchorage Assembly asking for $59 million in school bonds on next ballot.
KSKA: Friday, 12/9 @ 2:00pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 6:00pm
KAKM: Friday, 12/9 @ 7:30pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 5:00pm
Gifted & Talented Education
On this episode (our 50th!) we're exploring the education of Alaska's brightest youth. Joining host Shana Sheehy in the studio to discuss how gifted and talented kids are identified, tested and educated are Peter Ljubicich, director of the Anchorage School District's Gifted Program; Annie Bill, director of the Mat-Su Borough's Talented and Gifted Program; and Susan Dulong Langley of the Nat'l Association for Gifted Children in Massachusetts. Plus - Dr. Carol Dweck says don't tell kids they're smart; minorities in G&T; a teen tells us why he's proud to be a "nerd".
KSKA: Tuesday 10/18 at 2pm and 7pm
Superintendent Comeau Addresses Chamber and Fields Questions
On this edition of A Closer Look KSKA presents a profile of the Anchorage School District as presented by its superintendent, Carol Comeau. The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce had invited Superintendent Comeau to describe the district's overall status and what influences were likely to impact the 2011-2012 school term.
KSKA: Monday 9/5 at 1:00 pm and Saturday 9/10 at 5:30 pm
Comeau Speaks School District Budget
The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce billed Superintendent Carol Comeau's Monday luncheon talk as, "The Anchorage School District: The Year Ahead." But in the questions that followed, it appeared most of Comeau's chamber audience were interested not so much in the future as in the current budget.
Anchorage School District Progress Report Shows Mixed Results
Anchorage graduation rates were up, but fewer schools met the new Adequate Yearly Progress standards. KSKA's Len Anderson reports on the district's 2010-2011 "No Child Left Behind" results.
Alaska News Nightly: August 9, 2011
ConocoPhillips Extends Natural Gas Plant Operations Until October, Jack-Up Rig in Kachemak Bay May Violate Federal Law, Legislators Expect Bill to Lower State Oil Taxes Next Session, Southcentral Moth Outbreak Devastates Berry Crops, and more...
Anchorage School District Receives Extra $19 Million
Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau was pleasantly surprised to get nearly $19 million in extra money for the upcoming school year.
Alaska News Nightly: July 29, 2011
Juneau Teenager Dies After Assault in Arkansas; Senate Kills House Bill to Raise Debt Limit, Cut Spending; Debt Ceiling Dominates Senator Begich's Town Hall; Anchorage School District Receives Extra $19 Million; and more...
Superintendent Comeau Reflects on Career After Retirement Announcement
Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau announced Tuesday she is retiring in one year.
Alaska News Nightly: June 29, 2011
Parnell Finalizes Operating and Capital Budgets, Parnell’s Budget Cuts Were Expected, Alaskans Asked for Feedback on Chukchi Oil Spill Impact Plan, Study Show New Details on Declining Oil Throughput in TAPS, and more...
Anchorage Experiences Mixed Results From Governor’s Budget Vetoes
Governor Sean Parnell announced over 400 million dollars in budget cuts Wednesday, sending Anchorage municipal, school district and other groups racing through spreadsheets to see how much of their legislative approved capital funding had survived.
Comeau Announces 2012 Retirement
After more than three decades with the Anchorage School District, Superintendent Carol Comeau is retiring. That is, after one more year. KSKA's Len Anderson attended yesterday's announcement.
Alaska News Nightly: June 9, 2011
Red Tape Over Palin Emails Irks State Legislators, Search Ends for Missing Talkeetna Woman, Federal Government Encourages Shellfish, Finfish Production, Snowy Owl Rehabilitated and Released in Barrow, and more...
United Way’s Graduation Campaign Attracts Enthusiasm and Checks
Yesterday the United Way of Anchorage announced a new initiative combining community energy with educational expertise to boost the Anchorage School District's three year graduation rate by 20 percent. Michele Brown, CEO and President of United Way of Anchorage, began by saying recent efforts to keep young people in school had enjoyed some success.
Web Extra: Rick Fox Discusses Donation
At the United Way announcement of the "90 percent by 2010" graduation campaign, Rick Fox described why he and his wife Cyndie, were presenting the campaign 250 thousand dollars. Rick Fox, who is a retired Shell Alaska executive, also refers to Shell Alaska's matching gift. Listen to Fox's entire statement. He is introduced by Michele Brown, CEO and President of United Way of Anchorage.
Hometown Alaska: Project Puqigtut
Education Secretary Arne Duncan is banking on an Anchorage School District program aimed at preventing dropouts to serve as a model for school...
Alaska Native Cultural Charter School Mixes Traditional Knowledge with Western Academics
Part II. A Special Look at the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School
As the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School in Anchorage begins its second...
Native Charter School Seeing Robust Enrollment
Part I. A special look at the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School
A year ago the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School was desperately recruiting students...
Education Secretary Meets with Local Educators
Education Secretary Arne Duncan met with Anchorage school officials at a brief question and answer session on Tuesday in a gathering hosted by Cook...
Graduation Rates Up In Anchorage
A report released on Wednesday covering the 2008-2009 school year, shows Anchorage School District's graduation rate has improved.
Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage
Anchorage School...