Tag: Anchorage Municipal Assembly
Anchorage Assembly Postpones Mayor’s Sidewalk Sitting Proposal
The Anchorage Assembly has shelved a proposal by Mayor Dan Sullivan to restrict sitting on sidewalks and panhandling downtown.
Alaska News Nightly: July 27, 2011
Young Would Vote ‘Yes’ On Boehner’s Plan, Federal Employee Union Concerned About Deficit Battles, Last Minute Offers May Keep Alaska Newspapers Alive, Navy to Sink Two Ships Per Year in Gulf Exercises, and more...
Backyard Chicken-Keeping Gains Momentum in Anchorage
Backyard chicken-keeping is gaining momentum in Anchorage. Partly due to increased attention to food costs and sustainability, but largely due to an ordinance passed back in April.
Alaska News Nightly: July 5, 2011
Study Shows Natural Gas Pipeline Could Deliver Directly to Anchorage, Pelican Struggles with Absent Fish Economy: Part One, DNR Withdraws Approval for Sutton Coal Mine, Backyard Chicken-Keeping Gains Momentum in Anchorage, and more...