Tag: Alaska

Search Team Unable to Find Missing Person Near Harding Lake

He had taken off on a jetski around midnight Sunday night and was reported missing when he still hadn't turned up at 4 am.

Troopers Shoot, Kill Palmer Man

Alaska State Troopers have fatally shot a 19-year-old Palmer man they say was threatening officers with a gun.

Fish and Game Head Questioned About Low Chinook Returns

The head of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fisheries Division was in King Salmon recently to check on the Bristol Bay salmon season.

Officials Ponder Coastal Zone Management Program Successor

The doors are now locked on the state’s Coastal Management Program. That’s the bottom line result of the legislature and governor’s action last week in not extending it.

Court Rules Against Bill Restricting Online Distribution of Adult Material

Local independent booksellers and First Amendment protection groups are applauding a federal judge’s decision against criminalizing the sale of material that could be considered harmful to minors.

Denali Climbing Season Wrapping Up

There are only a couple hundred people left on the mountain and only a few left to check in at the Talkeetna Ranger station to start their climbs.

Oyster Farms Beginning to Take Hold

Slowly but surely, Southeast Alaska’s fledgling aquaculture industry is beginning to take hold.

Wrangell Celebrates Totem Pole’s Return

Last month, a piece of Wrangell’s history was welcomed home. Wrangell’s Cooperative Association threw a parade to celebrate the return of a totem pole created by the late Master Carver Tom Ukas.

Rise of the Backyard Chicken

Wednesday, July 6 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Cooperative Extension Service noticed the uptick four years ago, chickens being sold on craigslist at $100 for “a guaranteed layer.” The service launched “Chicken University” to spread good information on raising chickens. Cooperative Extension’s Stephen Brown, the “chicken guy” in Alaska, joins host Kathleen McCoy on Hometown, Alaska.

Juneau Will Retain Mail Processing Center

The U.S. Postal Service was considering closing Juneau’s mail processing center and transferring its operations to Anchorage, but it’s nixed the idea.

Judge Backs Scientists on Polar Bears

A federal judge is upholding a decision by government scientists that global warming is threatening the polar bear's survival.

The Supreme Court and Student’s Rights

Tuesday, July 5 at 10:00am The banner was not on school property, but the court said a principal at Juneau-Douglas High School had a right to tear it down.

Inmate Convicted of Rape in Anchorage Jail

Wednesday, an Alaska prison inmate was convicted in Federal court of raping other prisoners in the Anchorage jail.

Capital Budget Veto Update; Coastal Zone Management Dies; and Alaska Pipeline Woes

July 1 at 2:00pm on KSKA 91.1FM and 7:30pm on KAKM, Channel 7 television Gov. Sean Parnell vetoes $400 million from the capital budget; Coastal Zone Management Program dies in a special session of the Legislature; Anchorage Superintendent of Schools Carol Comeau announces her retirement, and more.

Anchorage Experiences Mixed Results From Governor’s Budget Vetoes

Governor Sean Parnell announced over 400 million dollars in budget cuts Wednesday, sending Anchorage municipal, school district and other groups racing through spreadsheets to see how much of their legislative approved capital funding had survived.

‘Hydro-Fracturing’ May Have More Serious Environmental Drawbacks

After an investigative series published in the New York Times, at least one Congress member is asking the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether some companies have been inflating their estimates of how much gas they can get how cheaply by shattering layers of shale that exist over large areas of the U.S.

The Alaska Food Challenge

Tuesday, June 28 at 10:00am Is it possible? Is it desirable? A group of Alaskans has pledged to eat only food from Alaska for a year.

Tugboat Sinks in Bering Sea

A vessel is headed out into the Bering Sea to retrieve a barge full of construction equipment.

Copper River Dip Netters Must Release Kings

State managers saw a drop in kings passing by Eyak and ordered the restriction, according to state biologist Mark Sommerville.

Stranded Hiker Rescued Near Skagway

An injured hiker stranded on the rocks near Skagway was heard by the lookout on the state ferry Malaspina and rescued by the crew last Thursday night.