Tag: Alaska

Raising the Debt Ceiling; ANCSA at 40; and the Impact of Losing ANI

This week, the debt ceiling has been raised but stability has yet to be seen; the impacts of the loss of Alaska Newspapers; a former Murkowski aide may be headed to prison; community response to Mayor Sullivan’s proposed sidewalk sitting ordinance; surviving on urban subsistence; and a discussion of ANCSA.

Fuel Truck Rolls Over Near Manley Hot Springs

A fuel truck rolled over near Manley Hot Springs Thursday, but the state Environmental Conservation Department says the spill was minor. The semi, belonging to Colville Fuels, slipped off the muddy road into the ditch and the spill was from the cab, not the tank.

Effort to Un-Stall Juneau Road Fails

The state's latest move to un-stall the Juneau road has failed. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to look again at its ruling requiring more consideration of the ferry system. Citizens Pro Road Chairman Dick Knapp is already saying the state ought to appeal.

Seward Highway Crash Leaves 1 Dead, 14 Injured

The Seward Highway has been closed in both directions due to a three-vehicle crash near Indian.

Alaska News Nightly: August 4, 2011

Seward Highway Crash Leaves 1 Dead, 14 Injured; Shell Gets Conditional Drilling Approval; Congressional Deal Allows FAA Employees to Return from Furlough; Alaska Hit Hard by Debt Ceiling Agreement; and more...

Bristol Bay Sockeye Season Comes to an End

The Bristol Bay Sockeye fishing season is over and it was not a year to make the fleet very happy. Still, the price was not bad, considering the market, and the ultimate strength of the runs were also not bad.

Sullivan Promotes Proposed Oil Tax Changes

Tuesday, State Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan told the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce the Parnell administration wants to get throughput on the Trans Alaska Pipeline up to a million barrels a day within a decade.

Forest Service Told Tongass Assessment Must Better Analyze Deer Habitat

The U.S. Forest Service has been told by a federal appeals court that it hasn't done enough study to justify four timber sales in the Tongass National Forest. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that their analysis must better analyze deer habitat and assure a habitat for the wolves that prey on those deer.

Flood Closes Road to Exit Glacier

Tuesday, the National Park Service had to close the road to Exit Glacier outside of Seward because of flooding. Water is over the road and the gate will be shut until it is shallow enough to drive safely through again.

Body of Missing Hiker Recovered Near Herbert River

A hiker was found dead Tuesday near Juneau. James Reese, 42, was reported missing on Monday. His vehicle was found at the Herbert Glacier Trail trailhead and body was found near the Herbert River.

Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation

A former congressional aide may spend as much as 10-months in prison for a fishing violation while was a member of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.

Alaska News Nightly: August 2, 2011

Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...

Obama Signs Debt Deal Legislation into Law

President Obama has signed into law a deal to raise the debt ceiling, fending off a national default, which he warned could roil the markets and leave the U.S. without enough money to pay its bills.

BOEMER Scientist Told Reason of Investigation

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Enforcement and Regulation put him on administrative leave earlier this month and got a letter Friday saying the investigation has to do with the awarding of a sole source contract for counting polar bears.

Man Fatally Shot in Fairbanks

There was a fatal shooting in a wooded area behind a Fairbanks apartment building Monday evening. There is no ID on the victim yet, or the suspect, who reportedly turned himself in Monday night.

Air National Guard Sending Around 30 Troops to Iraq

The Alaska Air National Guard is preparing to send about 30 troops to Iraq. They will be from the 168th Refueling Wing, based at Eielson Air Force Base.

Yukon King Salmon Escapement May Not Meet Objective

It’s looking like escapement of Yukon River king salmon into Canada will not meet objectives. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Yukon River summer season manager Steve Hayes says Chinook passage measured near the Alaska Canada border at Eagle is below the season goal.

Pebble Partnership Takes Fight Against SOS Initiative to State Supreme Court

The Pebble Partnership has gone to the state Supreme Court in an effort to head off a ballot measure in the Lake and Peninsula Borough that would reveal how people feel about mining that destroys salmon streams.

Man Shot After Pointing Gun at State Trooper

A state trooper shot a reportedly inebriated man at the Delta State Recreation Site campground Monday, after the man pointed a gun at the trooper.

The Alaska Permanent Fund

Tuesday, August 2 at 10:00 am The Permanent Fund’s losses of 2008 are fading into the past and the dividend applications are in. Now that the fiscal year has ended, we’ll soon have a better idea of the size of the dividend.