Tag: Alaska

Nancy Pearl, Super Librarian

Nancy Pearl is a librarian with an action figure. She helped start a movement to get communities to read together. And she’s written top selling books about what books to read. Pearl joins host Charles Wohlforth on Hometown, Alaska to talk about how one Seattle librarian made books exciting and current in an era when how we read and use libraries is changing rapidly. Wednesday 10/5 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Legislative Agency Warns of Risk to State’s Credit Status

Wednesday, a legislative agency reports that the state’s credit status will be at risk if the oil tax reductions proposed by the governor become law.

Denali Commission Returns $15 Million to Government

After seven months of uncertainty, the head of the Denali Commission says a long awaited answer about whether the commission would need to return $15 million has been settled.

Short Term Spending Deal Passes Through the Senate

The Senate reached an agreement Monday night that looks like it will stave off a government shutdown. Democrats and Republicans had been bickering over funding for victims of natural disasters like the recent floods and earthquakes in the Lower 48.

Natural Gas One Step Closer to Anchor Point

At their meeting in Homer Tuesday night, members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly voted to approve a USAD – or Utility Special Assessment District –to finance distribution lines throughout the town.

Alaska Airlines Execs Field Suggestions from Bethel Residents

An entourage of Alaska Airlines executives and upper managers were in Bethel as part of a rural tour to learn more about the customers in their back yard.

Owner: Theft of Gear More Than a Minor Crime

A man whose camping gear was stolen while he was in a remote bay near Sitka says the crime was much more than a simple theft. And friends are offering a reward for information that leads to an arrest.

Transportation Secretary Meeting With Aviation, Construction Communities

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is taking a train ride in Alaska on Tuesday. The Secretary will ride the Alaska Railroad to the Spencer Glacier from Anchorage, stop at Girdwood for a meeting about safety concerns on the Seward Highway, and then on to the whistle stop at the glacier.

White Powder Causing Federal Building Evacuation Determined to be Harmless

The arrival of an envelope containing white powder caused a shutdown in federal offices again on Friday. The federal building was evacuated after the envelope was opened in the federal court system office.

Prohibition in Alaska

Over 93 years ago, the citizens of Alaska enacted the "Bone Dry" law by a vote of nearly two to one. Two years later, the Eighteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution became law and the nation went dry. On the next Hometown, Alaska, join host Shelly Wade and her guests as thet we take your calls and answer your questions about the history of prohibition in Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday 9/28 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Local Food

Whether it’s rising food prices, health concerns, sustainability goals or a desire for high quality ingredients, the rush is on for local food in Alaska. Now is the time when Community Supported Agriculture producers look over the results of this year’s season and begin taking on clients for next year.

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Coming up this week more money from the feds for fishery stock assessment is in the pipeline, Metlakatla's salmon fishery gets certified by the MSC, and NOAA Fisheries wants to hear your voice. All that, and studying how permits get dispersed among the fleet.

Waivers Available for No Child Left Behind Act

States can now get waivers from the requirements of No Child Left Behind, the Bush-era education law. In exchange they’ll have to come up with ways on the state level to boost student achievement and close gaps in performance.

Short Term Spending Bill Shot Down in House

The U.S. government again faces threat of a shutdown because of Congressional disagreements. The House failed to pass a short term spending bill Wednesday night that would keep government running past Sept. 30. Its defeat was a surprise blow to House GOP leadership. Despite Speaker John Boehner’s entreaties four dozen Republicans defected and voted against the bill.

PFD Announced at $1174 This Year

Governor Sean Parnell opened a triple sealed envelope in Anchorage this (Tuesday) morning to announce this year's Permanent Fund Dividend amount: $1174. Parnell said this year's dividend check is healthy but the amount is based on a five year average of the stock market. He warned Alaskans can face lower dividend amounts in the future.

Fairbanks Voters Consider Air Quality Ballot Proposition

Fairbanks Borough voters will consider a ballot proposition aimed at reducing wintertime fine particulate pollution. A public meeting on the proposition was held Monday. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the measure targets emissions from wood and coal fired heaters.

State Wants Court to Force Ferry Builder to Replace Engines

Alaska’s Marine Highway System wants a court to order the fast-ferry builder to provide new engines for the ships. State officials say engines on the Fairweather and Chenega are wearing out far faster than their warranties promised.

Alaska Ship and Drydock Wins Ferry Contract

The State Department of Transportation yesterday (Monday) announced that it has selected Ketchikan-based Alaska Ship and Drydock as the construction manager and general contractor for the new Alaska Class Ferry.

Cleveland Volcano Lava Dome Growing

A volcano in Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands is sending out lava. The Alaska Volcano observatory reports today that Cleveland Volcano is erupting with the effusion of lava within the summit crater at the uninhabited island about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage.

NOAA Seeks Fisheries Histories from Alaska

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is calling for Oral history submissions from Alaska. It's for their project, 'Voices From The Fisheries'. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service started the project back in 2007, but stories from Alaska have been slow to come in .