Tag: Alaska

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan

On September 30th, Mayor Dan Sullivan released his proposed 2012 budget. The budget is currently in the hands of the Anchorage Assembly for their review and October 25th marks the start of a series of public hearings to get resident feedback. What are your thoughts on the Mayor’s proposed budget and what would you like to know about his future plans for Anchorage? KSKA: Wednesday, 10/26 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

The Anchorage School District’s ‘Everyday Math’ Problem

How should the Anchorage School District resolve questions over its math curriculum? Some love Everyday Mathematics, some despise it, and the program recently had a near-death experience in the Anchorage School District. How did 2=2+4 get so complicated and controversial? Wednesday 10/19 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Physical Therapy Approaches to Pain

Acute and chronic pain of the muscular skeletal system is common. Options for treatment are varied, some with extensive evidence of effectiveness and others less so. This week on Line One, Dr. Thad Woodard and his guest Valerie Phelps from Advanced Physical Therapy will address evidence- based physical therapy approaches to pain of the muscles, bones, joints, and supporting structures. KSKA: Monday 10/17 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Processing Center in Limbo For Valley Veggies

Since the days of the Pioneer Colonists, the Matanuska Valley has been the heart of Alaska's agriculture industry. But changing times demand updated means of production and processing. Today's consumers are increasingly calling for for fresh, locally grown foods, and that is encouraging some growers to look toward expansion, but the lack of a central processing and production center could be holding them back. Is it time to push for a Valley Agricultural Processing and Development Center? KSKA: Monday 10/17 at 1:00 pm & Saturday 10/22 at 6:30 pm

The Winter Bear at the Wildberry Theater

Ann Hanley, author of The Winter Bear and actor Brian Westcott join Mark and Jean on Stage Talk. The play will be presented at the Wildberry Theater in Anchorage during the Alaska Federation of Natives Conference on October 20 and 22. This poignant play explores the causes of suicide among Alaska Natives. Friday 10/14 at 2:45 pm

Kott to Plead Guilty to Bribery

A former Alaska state lawmaker caught up in a federal corruption probe has indicated he will change his plea on one count.

Rolling with the Rage City Rollergirls

Rage City Roller Girls Season Opener, October 1, 2011. Sockeye Sallys from Anchorage vs. the Fairbanks Rebel Ravens at the Dena'ina Center. Video by Kathleen McCoy. Join host Kathleen McCoy and Rage City Rollergirls, Dawnell “WickedSpeedia” Smith and Patricia "New England PatRIOT #1"Bergeron to talk about the energy behind the roller derby, what it means to women who skate, why it’s a D.I.Y. sport, and why some characterize it as an element of Third Wave Feminism. Why do they skate? Is it sport or spectacle? What is the injury rate? Are men involved? What about those crazy names? KSKA: Wednesday 10/12 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Lt. Governor Receives Petition to Revive Coastal Management Program

The Lieutenant Governor has received a petition application with at least the required hundred signatures for a ballot question that would put a new Coastal Management program back before the legislature -- or the public -- next year.

Anchorage Municipality Withdraws Lawsuit over Knik Arm Crossing

Anchorage mayor withdraws lawsuit against Federal Highway Administration over Knik Arm Crossing project.

Alaska’s Senators Push Legislation to Protect Rural Post Offices

Alaska’s U.S. Senators are part of a congressional effort to stop the Postal Service from closing branches in rural areas.

Sitka Crabber Rescued After Boat Sinks in Chatham

A search and rescue team from Angoon rescued a Sitka crab fisherman whose boat rolled over and sank in Chatham Strait yesterday (Thursday).

Native Brotherhood, Sisterhood Meet in Klawock

The Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood are celebrating a big anniversary.

Timber Task Force Meets in Coffman Coves

A state-sponsored economic development panel wants suggestions for creating new timber industry jobs.

Talkeetna Voters Oppose Massive Hydro Dam Proposal

Tuesday’s election saw changes in communities across Alaska. In the tiny Susitna Valley town of Talkeetna, voters made a choice that could have repercussions far from the community.

Resource Policy Trip to Norway Expenses Exceed 90,000

The state has paid more than $91,600 in expenses for lawmakers who attended a recent policy tour in Norway.

Medicare in Alaska

Alaskan seniors are seeing changes to Medicare under the federal Affordable Care Act. Dates for enrolling in prescription drug plans or changing existing plans are now earlier. What else do Alaskans need to know about changes to Medicare? What is a Medical Home? How is the shortage of doctors who will take Medicare patients in Alaska being addressed? KSKA & APRN: Tuesday 10/11 at 10:00 am

The Woman in Black at VPA

Two man cast: Ted Carney (left) and DJ Rotach (right) at VPA rehearsals in Wasilla. Photo by Joyce Martin, JAG Creations. Just in time for Halloween, a ghost play, The Woman in Black opens next week at Valley Performing Arts. Executive director of VPA, Garry Forrester joins hosts Mark and Jean to discuss this spine tingling thriller, sure to leave you spooked. KSKA: Friday 10/7 at 2:45 pm

Palin Decides Against Presidential Run, Municipal Election Results and Mayor Dan Sullivan’s Proposed Budget

Stories up for discussion this week are: Palin not running for president; Municipal elections results outside Anchorage; Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan's proposed budget for 2012; Alaska's oil and has tax report to legislature, soaring prison costs, State settles suit over rural schools, Alaska Native Corporation EyakTek corruption scheme, and John Katz steps down as head of the Governor's office in Washington. KSKA: Friday 10/7 at 2:00 pm & Sat 10/8 at 6:00 pm KAKM: Friday 10/7 at 7:30 pm & Sat 10/8 at 5:00 pm

Congressman Young Says War in Afghanistan Can’t Be Won

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan, a mission that has cost nearly 18 hundred American lives, and many struggle to justify. Alaska Congressman Don Young has always opposed the war, he says America cannot win.

Alaska Airlines and Mechanics Union Reach Tentative Agreement

Alaska Airlines and the carriers aircraft maintenance mechanics union along with related employees have reached a tentative agreement on a new, five-year contract, according to the Seattle Times. The over 600 union members still must ratify the agreement. That vote's expected next month.