Tag: Alaska

Fineberg Says Conservation Key To Reducing Foreign Oil Dependence

Conservation is a better means to reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil than drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Court Upholds Contempt Of Court Citation In Stevens Case

Federal prosecutors who tried US Senator Ted Stevens in 2008 have lost an appeal against a contempt of court citation.

Helo Pilot, CG Command Await Report On Crash Charges

The hearing into a Coast Guard pilot’s alleged negligence is over. The Article 32 proceeding wrapped up Friday afternoon in Juneau after the last round of witnesses.

Houston Man Arrested For Threatening State Trooper

A Houston man has been taken into custody for threatening a state Trooper, among other charges. Kenneth Champ, 48, who owns Champ Septic Pumping, is also under investigation for dumping raw human sewage into a creek that runs near his property.

Fairbanks Residents Weigh In On Long-Term UAF Plan

Fairbanks-area residents got a chance last week to add their voices to a planning process launched this fall by University of Alaska President Pat Gamble.

Rudder Repaired, Vessel Headed For Unalaska

Technicians have temporarily repaired the rudder of the 656-foot cargo vessel Morning Cedar. The vessel was en route from Vancouver, Canada to Japan with a load of packaged timber when a hydraulic leak left it without steering. It’s been adrift in the western Bering Sea, north of Adak, since Monday.

Legislators Study ‘Rebalancing’ Taxes, Not Cutting Them

In the legislative session that begins in January, members of the House and Senate will face several high priority issues. But at the top will be whether to change the state’s oil tax structure in hopes of encouraging more new production.

What’s Next for the Troubled “New” Port of Anchorage?

Fully 90 percent of what we eat, drink, read and drive flows through the Port of Anchorage. And yet this gateway is 50 years old and vulnerable. A big quake could damage or destroy it. The fix has been flawed. Cost over runs and construction failures brought this retired Alaska shipper’s lament: “We’ve got a real mess on our hands.” Untangle it with host Kathleen McCoy and her guests Dr. Larry McCallister of the Army Corps of Engineers and Anchorage, Mayor Dan Sullivan on Hometown, Alaska.. KSKA: Wednesday 12/14 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

AK: The Most Famous Auction In Alaska

The 31st annual Talkeetna Bachelor’s Auction had another full house when more than 240 ladies packed in to the Sheldon Arts hangar last weekend.

300 Villages: Adak

And now, a trip to the most far flung community in Alaska. Adak is near the end of the Aluetian Chain, farther west than Hawaii. It’s an old Navy base, that is in the middle of a revitalization. Layton Lockett is the city manager of Adak.

Contemporary Christmas at VPA and TBA Theater

Join Stage Talk hosts Mark and Jean as they chat with Shane Mitchell and John Fremin about two contemporary adaptations of Christmas plays running in Anchorage and Wasilla this holiday season. KSKA: Friday 12/9 2:45 pm

The Alaska Fisheries Report With Jay Barrett

Coming up this week, more reaction to the IPHC's recent halibut quota announcement; commercial fishing in Cordova is being threatened by dipnetters, and Yardarm Knot's Naknek cannery has been sold. All that and just how much seafood can a sea otter eat if a sea otter could eat sea... never mind - coming up on the Alaska Fisheries Report. KSKA: Friday, 12/9 @ 2:30pm

BP Oil Spill Case; and Petroleum Lease Sales

The stories up for discussion this week are: the BP oil spill case; petroleum lease sales bring in $21 million; film industry incentive program; potential road extension to Nome; fatal hit-and-run suspect arrested; Coastal Zone Management; Clearwire wireless leaving Alaska; Anchorage Assembly asking for $59 million in school bonds on next ballot. KSKA: Friday, 12/9 @ 2:00pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 12/9 @ 7:30pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 5:00pm

Crew Works To Restore Savoonga Power

An AVEC lineman made it to Savoonga Friday morning and with one hour of work, he had power going for 40 households, including the Post Office, Church and Public Safety building. According to the Alaska Village Electric Co-op, the remaining 30 homes should have power by this afternoon with the change of a transformer.

Additional Charge To Be Considered Against Leone

The investigating officer for a hearing into last year's fatal Coast Guard helicopter crash off the coast of Washington State says he'll consider an additional charge of dereliction of duty against the crash's sole survivor, Lieutenant Lance Leone.

Boundary Commission Approves Bristol Bay Annexation Petition

The Alaska Local Boundary Commission has approved the City of Dillingham’s petition to annex the waters off its shore. City Manager Dan Forester says the approval came after the city went through a process of consultation with local fishing communities about the fish tax that would likely result.

Two Anchorage Adolescents Arrested In Armed Robbery

Anchorage Police have arrested two boys, 12 and 13 years old, for the armed robbery of a Shell gas station.

Talkeetna Council Wants To Join Dam Permitting Process

The Talkeetna Community Council voted to file a motion to intervene in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s permitting process for the proposed Susitna-Watana Dam.

Former Garden Ornament Offers Insight Into Unangan Culture

A stone that was used as a garden ornament for the last 50 years may turn out to be one of the most important archaeological finds in Aleutian history, offering new insights into Unangan culture.

North Slope Borough Responds To Run-Off Election Investigation

A hearing will be held on Monday in Barrow to investigate allegations of vote count discrepancies, bribery and other charges in the run-off election between North Slope Borough Mayor Charlotte Brower and her opponent, George Ahmaogak.