Tag: Alaska

UAF Union Organizing Hits Stumbling Block

The union that’s trying to organize University of Alaska staff says that UAF’s refusal to deliver some 1,200 letters to UAF staff is just the latest of several obstacles that the university has thrown in the path of the organizing effort.

Estimated $24 Million Needed To Repair Nome-Council Highway

The single biggest item on Governor Parnell’s disaster declaration for the Bering Sea storm was damage to the Nome-Council Highway.

Outside Forces Present Challenges For Alaska Economy

Outside forces – like the European debt crisis and turmoil in the Middle East – present both challenges and potential for Alaska’s economy.

Ship’s Return Pushes Million-Passenger Mark

Norwegian Cruise Line says it will sail another ship in Alaska waters. Company officials this week announced plans to return the Norwegian Sun to northern service two seasons from now. It last sailed here in 2009.

BBNA Set to Plan Regional Transit

Earlier this month, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced $15 million dollars to help American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments invest in public transit.

State Disaster Declared For Kenai Peninsula

A state disaster has been declared for the Kenai Peninsula due to last month's storms. Monday, Governor Sean Parnell issued the declaration and said he would be seeking a federal declaration as well.

Congress Works To Keep Government Funded As Latest Continuing Resolution Ends

Congress is scheduled to adjourn for the holidays within the week, but there’s a hefty to-do list remaining before they can leave Washington.

Occupiers Make Statement at Port of Anchorage

Protesters managed to shut down a few terminals at ports in California, Washington and Oregon today, as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement to block ports on the West Coast.

Judge Harpoons Petersburg’s Redistricting Challenge

A Superior Court judge has ruled against Petersburg’s legal challenge of the Alaska Redistricting Board’s plan for new legislative districts.

Randall Ranks First Among World Cup Sprinters

Anchorage skier Kikkan Randall won her second skate sprint World Cup race of the season on Sunday in Davos, Switzerland. She qualified in first place, swept every heat and then won by a commanding 1.7 seconds.

Government Seeks Delay on Seal Status Decision

The federal government is seeking a six-month delay for deciding whether two seals that depend on sea ice should be listed as a threatened species because of climate warming.

Nome Hopes to Tap into Nearby Natural Gas

The Nome city council wants to take advantage of natural gas in the Norton Sound. Facing high electric rates and unstable heating fuel prices, the council wants legislative support in renewing efforts to tap into gas just 25 miles off shore from Nome.

APOC Investigating RBG Bush Planes

The Alaska Public Offices Commission is heading into the home stretch of their investigation into RBG Bush Planes, a holding company for Robert Gillam’s aircraft.

Occupiers Plan To March on West Coast Ports

Anchorage is among the west coast port cities where the Occupy Wall Street movement plans a blockade on Monday.

Randall Wins Gold In Freestyle Sprint

Another gold medal for skier Kikkan Randall in the freestyle sprint. This time she came in ahead of Natalia Matveeva of Russia by 1.7 seconds in Davos, Switzerland World Cup competition.

After Long Debate, Pollock Quota Lowered Slightly

After plenty of back and forth between regulators, industry representatives, biologists, and fishermen, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council has capped the amount of pollock that fisherman can catch in the Bering Sea next year at 1.2 million metric tons.

Hooper Bay Infant Found Dead, Father With Knife In Chest

Saturday morning in Hooper Bay a mother found her infant daughter dead and the father with a knife in his chest. Michael Kuphaldt, 33, was hospitalized. Troopers have not released a cause of death for the infant or an identity.

2-Year-Old Shot In Head, Hospitalized

An east Anchorage baby was shot in the head Sunday night after a gun was apparently accidentally discharged in an adjacent condominium apartment.

Southcentral Hit By Blizzard

Southcentral Alaska has been battered by foul weather. Sunday, it was high winds and heavy snow on the Kenai Peninsula, causing power outages, many accidents and road closures. Monday, it's a heavy snow dump that hit in the early morning hours in Anchorage.

Parnell Proposes $4.9 Million For Emergency Food Caches

Gov. Sean Parnell is proposing $4.9 million for emergency food supplies to be stashed across the state.