Tag: Alaska

Nome Fuel Delivery Costly For Government Agencies

The price of the fuel to customers in Nome after the upcoming fuel delivery is still to be determined. Nomeites may be spared the cost of gas at $9 a gallon, but the operation to deliver fuel with icebreaker support is not cheap for the government agencies involved.

Boeing Will Continue To Operate Fort Greely Missile Defense System

The 90 or so people who work for Boeing in the Interior got a late Christmas present Friday when the Pentagon awarded a seven year, $3.5 billion contract to the company to operate the Fort Greely based missile defense system.

Kikkan Randall Takes World Cup Silver Medal

Anchorage skier Kikkan Randall took home a World Cup silver medal today in the skate sprint in Toblach, Italy. She finished just behind Norway’s Marit Bjoergen.

Rehabilitated Sea Otter Released In Homer

A crowd of about 30 people who braved chilly temperatures at the tip of the Homer Spit Monday morning were treated to a rare sight – the release of a fully rehabilitated sea otter back into the wild.

Group Runs Across US To Raise Naturopathic Awareness

If you’re considering how to peel off some extra pounds after all those Christmas cookies and festive dinners, a young Alaskan has a simple suggestion.

ACMP Initiative Backers Scramble To Get Signature

Backers of a citizen’s initiative to re-establish the Alaska Coastal Management Program have unleashed a full-court press to collect nearly 26,000 signatures needed to put the measure on this year’s statewide ballot.

Russian Tanker Renda Set To Depart For Nome

The Russian tanker Renda loaded gasoline Tuesday afternoon in Dutch Harbor following the completion of its port state control exam. The Renda is set to depart late Tuesday for Nome.

Man Dies In Anchorage’s Karluk Manor

New Year’s Day brought the first death of a client at Anchorage’s Karluk Manor alcoholic housing facility.

Some States, Federal Government Ponder Ocean Zoning

You’ve heard of neighborhood zoning. Now there’s a move afoot to zone the ocean. Oregon, Washington State and the federal government all have fledgling plans to coordinate competing ocean uses.

Legislation To Give Employers Tax Credit If They Hire A Veteran

The Alaska Legislature is scheduled to go back into session on Jan. 17 but in advance of that date lawmakers are starting to reveal some of the bills that will be introduced. One of the bills would give employers who hire a veteran a large tax credit.

Marge Baker Obituary

An icon of pioneer aviation in Northwest Arctic Alaska has been laid to rest. Marge Baker of Baker Aviation died while on vacation with her family in Mexico on Dec. 24. She was 79-years old.

Boston-Based Firm To Help Design State Health Insurance Exchange

The state of Alaska is planning to sign a contract with a Boston-based firm to help design a health insurance exchange.

Sutton Residents File Complaint Against Coal Mine Development To DNR

Residents opposed to the development of a coal mine near Sutton have filed a citizens’ complaint with the Department of Natural Resources.

Discovery Channel Debuts Show Set Near Homer

The Discovery Channel – which is already home to Alaska-based shows like “Gold Rush Alaska” and of course, “Deadliest Catch” – debuted a new Alaska reality show last week, this one set in the outskirts of Homer.

Immigration Challenges and Opportunities in Anchorage

2010 Census data show that Anchorage is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. A growing percentage of the people that represent Anchorage's new residents have moved from other countries and speak English as a second language. What are some of the challenges and opportunities of migrating to Alaska from a different country and what services can Anchorage offer to help ease the transition to a new and foreign place? KSKA: Wednesday 1/3 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

The Spirit of Food

Cosmologists tell us that we are made of atoms born in super-novas. Our planet was spun into existence by creative forces, and our bodies know how to transform what we eat into what it takes to keep us going. People all over the world give thanks for this – some with every meal.

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Coming up this week: Gulf fixed gear fishermen get a surprise cod opening to end the year; it looks like there'll be another herring fishery this spring in Behm Canal, and how sunlight makes spilled oil especially deadly to fish.

State Gets Money For Efforts To Enroll Children In Public Health Care

Alaska is one of 23 states to share $296.5 million in federal payments for encouraging low-income families to enroll their children in public health programs.

Cleveland Volcano Erupts

The long-forecast eruption of Cleveland Volcano has finally happened. The volcano sent up a 15,000 foot ash cloud at around 8 o'clock on Thursday morning.

Russian Tanker Waiting On Jones Act Waiver

The Russian Tanker Renda is steaming towards Dutch Harbor to pick up 400,000 gallons of gasoline bound for Nome. But it must first receive a waiver of the Jones Act, or it will turn north and deliver diesel fuel only.