Tag: Alaska

Renda, Healy Arrive Near Nome

The tanker Renda and ice-breaker Healy have arrived in the area of the ice-choked Nome harbor. A safety zone has been set up to keep people away from the vessels and the hose that will likely be used to deliver fuel.

Legislative Session; and Oil Tax Ruling

The topics up for discussion this week are: the upcoming legislative session; latest ruling on the TAPS oil tax case; the justice department must explain why the Young investigation documents aren’t public; lots of snow; Parnell’s oil meeting; reapportionment case proceeds in Fairbanks; cracking down on drunkenness in bars; Joe Miller sues the North Star Borough. KSKA: Friday, 1/13 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 1/14 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 1/13 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 1/14 at 5:00pm

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Coming up this week, some fishermen in Cordova may have lost their boats to the unnatural dump of snow there; a new factory long-liner will be built in-state, and the dilemma of bycatch.

Anchorage Property Owners Take Note – It’s In The Mail

Anchorage property owners are about to learn the latest assessed valuation of their properties. The city assessor's office is set to mail out some 96,000 green cards giving the property valuation for this tax year and, at the same time, begin the 30 day appeal period.

Togiak Man Faces Homicide Charges In South Anchorage Stabbing

A Togiak man has turned himself in to face homicide charges after a South Anchorage acquaintance died of a stabbing wound.

Snow Removal Equipment In Short Supply In Valdez

In Valdez, they hope to have enough snow cleared off the roofs to resume school next week. City Manager John Hosie says not only is manpower for shoveling off the roofs in short supply, but so is the proper equipment to do it with.

Seward Highway Closed Between Girdwood, Bird Point

A winter storm moving up the Kenai Peninsula has created some extremely hazardous driving conditions, even prompting the closure of the Whittier Tunnel as well as a stretch of the Seward Highway.

Judge Rules Justice Department Can’t Withhold Young Investigation Files

The Justice Department cannot categorically keep sealed its criminal investigation files on Congressman Don Young, according to a federal judge in Washington, DC. U.S. District Court Judge Gladys Kessler ruled Tuesday that the Justice Department was in the wrong when it refused to turn over any of its files to an anti-corruption watchdog group.

National Guard Works To Dig Out Cordova

No school today in Cordova as National Guard troops continue digging out the town from a massive snowfall that prompted a disaster declaration over the weekend.

First Of Two Superintendent Candidates Visits Anchorage

The first of the two finalists for the Anchorage School District superintendent position began a three day visit yesterday. After his first face-to-face interview with the school board, the candidate hoping to replace retiring Carol Comeau visited schools, met Anchorage assembly members and talked to the local press.

Good News on Aviation Safety

A program created a decade ago to reduce the extraordinary death toll of Alaska plane crashes reached a milestone with a recent study that found pilot deaths down 57%. How did regulators, operators and scientists crack the safety puzzle? And what more can we do to reduce crashes of the small planes that are basic transportation over most of Alaska? KSKA: Wednesday, 1/11 at 2:00pm

What’s Behind Climate Change Denial?

Public opinion polls show growing doubt that human activities are responsible for climate warming. Some analysts say this doubt is being manufactured by interest groups. Is denying climate change the same as denying the harmful effects of tobacco? KSKA: Tuesday, 1/10 at 10:00am

Dental Hygiene

Dental caries are one of the most common illnesses in the world and can affect many other aspects of our health besides oral health. This program will discuss the causes and prevention of this disease. KSKA: Monday, 1/9 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm

Bethel Community Health Service Building Shut Down Due To Power Surge

The region’s largest employer, the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation has been hit hard by the cold. It’s Community Health Services building was shut down Tuesday because of a power surge over the weekend.

Love, Loss and What I Wore

Still running off-Broadway and performed by special permission from the producers. A hilarious and stirring play of monologues and ensemble pieces about women, clothes, and memories covering all the important subjects. KSKA: Friday, 1/6 at 2:45pm

Bill Sheffield Resigns; And The Russian Tanker Renda Departs For Nome

The stories up for discussion this week are: Bill Sheffield resigns as port director; the Russian tanker Renda is on its way to Nome; oil execs meet with Gov. Parnell; Steller Sea Lion battle in court; Attorney General John Burns steps down; Anchorage’s New Years; Shaeffer Cox update. KSKA: Friday, 1/6 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 1/7 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 1/6 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 1/7 at 5:00pm

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Coming up this week, ASMI changes its slogan in Japan AND looks to South America as a potential customer; IFQs were one of the topics of the recent Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, and a seasoned skipper writes a book of advice for greenhorns looking to break into Alaska fisheries. KSKA: Friday, 1/6 at 2:30pm

Governor’s Office Gets More Time To Release Palin Emails

Alaska’s attorney general has given the governor’s office until Feb. 20 to release the last of Sarah Palin’s emails from her time as governor.

‘Occupy’ Protestors Maintaining Fairbanks Presence

The Occupy movement has continued into the New Year in communities across the United States. In Fairbanks, a small but steadfast group of Occupy protestors has maintained a presence at a downtown park since mid October.

Kivalina Votes To Building School At New Location

Voters Kivalina have overwhelmingly said yes to building a school at a new location. Kivalina City Clerk Marilyn Swan says the unofficial count in Tuesday’s election was 107-11 in favor of the proposed school site about seven miles northeast of the Inupiat Eskimo community.