Tag: Alaska

Polls Say Sullivan Leads Anchorage Mayoral Race, Prop 5 Could Be Close

It's election season in Anchorage and you can't drive around the city without seeing signs for incumbent Mayor Dan Sullivan and challenger Paul Honeman....

Finding Your Roots: Barbara Walters and Geoffrey Canada

What’s in a name? Well, a lot, at least when it comes to piecing together family history. For former slaves, choosing a last name was one of their first acts of freedom. For Jewish immigrants, it was a way to fit in in their new country. Whatever the reason for a name change, it can make the process of learning about one’s ancestors difficult, if not impossible. In this episode, Gates unearths missing links in the family histories of media legend Barbara Walters and educational superstar Geoffrey Canada. Walters did not know her father’s real last name. Canada did not know the name of his grandfather. Both had been unable to access their history … until now. KAKM: Sunday, 4/1 at 7:00pm

Great Performances: The Thomashefskys

Watch The Thomashefskys on PBS. See more from Great Performances.

“The Thomashefskys: Music and Memories of a Life in the Yiddish Theater” brings to life the words and music of the American Yiddish theater. The story’s lead characters — Bessie and Boris Thomashefky — are the grandparents of San Francisco Symphony music director Michael Tilson Thomas. Bessie and Boris immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe in the 1880s, and while still in their teens, they began to play major roles in the development of New York City’s Yiddish theater. For Jewish immigrants who settled on the lower East Side of Manhattan, the Yiddish theater was central to their lives, and provided a stage for the new ideas that were shaping the transition to an American way of life. KAKM: Saturday, 3/31 at 9:00pm

Point Thomson Settlement Seen As Path to Gas Pipeline

Governor Sean Parnell today, (Friday) announced what is likely to be seen as a milestone in the development of North Slope Liquefied Natural Gas,...

Alaskan Dropped from FCC Board Amid Questions

An Alaskan appointed to a federal Communications Commission board, was dropped after a letter from Governor Sean Parnell's Chief of Staff asked for a...

U.S. Senators Want Money For Monitoring Tsunami Debris

U.S. Senators Mark Begich and Washington's Maria Cantwell want the federal government to quickly look into the potential impacts of tsunami-generated debris. The Democrats held...

State Senators Offer Alternative Scholarship Plan

The Governor will likely get a scholarship bill from the Senate this session. But it might not be the one he wants. ...

AK: Crime Writing

Eagle attacks, drunken mishaps, and intimate encounters gone horribly wrong: These are just a few of the reasons that people across the state look forward to the Unalaska police blotter. But the joy of the blotter isn’t just in the ridiculous items it contains – it’s in the way that Sgt. Jennifer Shockley writes about them. KUCB’s Alexandra Gutierrez introduces us to Alaska’s most literary police officer.

Health Care Costs in Alaska

Monday on Line One: Your Health Connection, Anchorage health care analyst Mark Foster joins host Dr. Woodard to discuss the high cost of health care in Alaska and the recently released UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research report on Alaska health care costs. KSKA: Monday 4/2 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

NPFMC Take No Action on Chum Bycatch

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council began taking public comment yesterday on measures to reduce the number of Chum Salmon caught incidentally by the...

Federal Highway Bill Gets Another Extension

Congress couldn't agree on re-authorizing the highway act.  It melted down in the House, which just couldn't agree to get behind efforts by House...

Great Performances: San Francisco Symphony at 100

The San Francisco Symphony is celebrating its centennial season. From the ashes of the great San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906 rose the passionate desire of a community to embrace music and build an orchestra to restore its spirit. KAKM: Friday, 3/30 at 9:30pm

New Ferry Service Buys Boat

Southeast Alaska’s newest ferry service just bought its first vessel. Officials with the Coffman Cove-based Rainforest Islands Ferry say they closed the deal for the used oil-rig supply vessel Tuesday morning. After a refit, the boat is slated to ferry passengers and vehicles between Ketchikan, Prince of Wales, Wrangell, and Mitkof Island, south of Petersburg.

Over 100 Communities Hosting ‘Choose Respect’ Marches

Over 100 communities across Alaska will host Choose Respect marches and rallies against domestic violence and sexual assault today. It is the third year of Governor Parnell’s campaign. He has said his goal to eliminate the abuse within a decade, with an emphasis on personal responsibility and peer pressure.

Sitka Sac Roe Herring Fishery On Two-Hour Notice

The Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is on two hour notice. Two-hour notice means when a fishery is called, officials will give the fleet a minimum of two hours to get into position.

Board Releases New Redistricting Map

There is a new state election district map out, but the state Redistricting Board warns it is just an intermediate step toward a plan that complies with the federal Voting Rights Act. The state Supreme Court ordered the Board to do a new map that set more of a priority on the requirements of the state Constitution. The Board has a consultant who is expected to provide an analysis Wednesday.

House Approves In-State Gas Line

The House overnight approved the next steps necessary that could lead to an instate gas pipeline from the North Slope to Anchorage and South Central.

Keyes Arraigned On Fraud Charge

The man listed by Anchorage police as a “person of interest” in the abduction of 18-year-old Anchorage barista Samantha Koenig has been arraigned in federal court in Anchorage on a fraud charge.

Coastal Management Bill Stalled In House

With less than three weeks remaining in the legislative session, it’s looking unlikely lawmakers will pass a bill to re-establish the Alaska Coastal Management Program.

School Leaders Explain Plans To Deal With Budget Deficits

Local school leaders today got their chance to tell legislators how they are dealing with expected budget deficits for the next school year. The hearings followed the Parnell administration’s presentation yesterday at the opening of the House Finance Committee’s week-long series of meetings focusing on Education.