Tag: Alaska

Postcards from Tomorrow Square

China experts James and Deborah Fallows visited the University of Alaska Anchorage on November 12th. This week on Addressing Alaskans, listening to their evening presentation at the Wendy Williamson. Deborah offers opening remarks on learning the Chinese language and the meaning of love, followed by her husband, national correspondent for The Atlantic, James Fallows. His talk focuses on his book Postcards from Tomorrow Square, Reports from China. KSKA: Thursday 12/6 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Straight Talk About the Future Salmon

How can we predict the future of salmon runs in Alaska and worldwide? This week on Addressing Alaskans, Dr. Robert Lackey discusses his Salmon 2100 Project and  what he considers when making a salmon forecast. Dr. Lackey's keynote address entitled "Straight Talk About the Future of Salmon" was recorded at the 5th annual Mat-Su Salmon Science and Conservation Symposium in Wasilla.

Writing “To Russia With Love”

Vic Fischer is back for another edition of Alaska Radio Reader Rambler to talk about his memoir "To Russia With Love, An Alaskan's Journey," this time with co-author Charles Wohlforth. Discussing how they turned interviews and Fischer family letters in book pages, this month's program focuses on the creative process behind writing Vic's autobiography and how it came to be. KSKA: 11/26 at 1:00 pm

VPA presents the musical Cotton Patch Gospel

Cotton Patch Gospel presents a retelling of the The Book of Matthew but this time with folk and bluegrass music and set in Georgia. Join Stage Talk guests Director Henry Woodall and Todd Broste who plays Matthew as they give Jean and Steven an insight into this intriguing and entertaining play which opens November 23rd and runs through December 23rd at Valley Performing Arts in Wasilla. KSKA: Friday 11/23 at 2:45 pm

The Future of Tradition

Bethel born Jack Dalton has toured the world with his stories and plays rooted in Alaska Native culture.  This week on Addressing Alaskans, Jack talks about the time he's recently spent in Alaska's villages teaching kids how to write stories. At this Smithsonian Spotlight lecture recorded on November 1st, Jack shared his thoughts on "The Future Tradition" and some stories such as "The Drunk Caribou" written by students in the upper Tanana village of Northway. KSKA: Thursday 11/22 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Listen Now

Nurturing Anchorage Youths

Franklin Roosevelt stated “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” But how do we do this? First we need information, reliable information about youth. This week on Line One, we will look at some facts about our youth in Anchorage and how two organizations are using the information to help develop youth for the future.

KSKA: Monday 11/19 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

ACT Presents My Three Angels

It's 104 degrees in the shade, there's no snow...ever!, and that sound on the roof isn't reindeer hoofs - it's three convicts clomping around. It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas! Well, if you're in French Guiana, that is. Don Gomes and Max Aronson of Anchorage Community Theatre stop by KSKA's Stage Talk this week on their way to the tropics to talk about the heart-warming comedy, My Three Angels, running at Anchorage Community Theatre November 23 - December 23. KSKA: Friday 11/16 at 2:45 pm

The EPA’s Critical Role in Alaska

In an effort to drastically reduce air pollution created by international shipping and cruise ships within 200 miles of the U.S. and Canadian coastlines, the Environmental Protection Agency put the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA) into effect this August. According to the EPA's Alaska Regional Administrator, Dennis McLerran, the ECA zone which mandates cleaner fuel will prevent "as many as 30,000 deaths in the country by the year 2030." He discussed how the ECA came to be, the projected health benefits and economic impacts to Alaska at his talk on "The EPA's Critical Role in Alaska," recorded Tuesday at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. KSKA: Thursday 11/15 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Assembly Approves $475 Million Budget

The Anchorage Assembly unanimously passed the 2013 budget Tuesday night with a few amendments. One of the budget items which received lots of attention over the past few weeks was proposed cuts to the fire department, including the elimination of a truck in Eagle River and a water tender near the Hillside.

Mudrooms on KSKA

Inspired by Arctic Entries in Anchorage, Juneau began its own live storytelling event called Mudrooms last November. Each Mudrooms event features seven-minute personal stories from seven people on a monthly theme. From crass to delicate, told by wallflowers or clowns, these live stories are mesmerizing and raw. This is not a theatrical performance, but real life stories told by fellow Alaskans in Juneau. Listen to four edited hour-long episodes of Mudrooms Tuesdays at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm beginning November 13 on KSKA FM 91.1. Themes:  Outdated (11/13) For the Love of It (11/20) Transitions (11/27) Secrets (12/4)

Ask Dr. Woodard

Dr. Thad Woodard is your host and guest this week on Line One, (due to a last minute cancellation). Dr. Thad originally came to Alaska as a medical epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control. He's been a pediatrician in Anchorage with a special interest in allergy and asthma since 1980. Call in with your questions for Dr. Woodard today 2:00 - 3:00 pm on Line One: Your Health Connection. KSKA: 11/12 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Monty Python’s Spamalot at UAA

It's getting dark in Alaska but you can "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" by tuning in to Stage Talk to hear UAA actors Scott Heverling and Paige Langit converse about the craziness which is the musical comedy Spamalot "lovingly ripped off from" the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Presented by UAA's Department of Theatre of Dance Spamalot opens Friday, November 16. View more backstage photos... KSKA: Friday 11/9 at 2:45 pm

The Company That Solved Health Care

In his book, The Company That Solved Health Care John Torinus shares how his Wisconsin company designed a health care plan that costs one-third less than the national average. Meanwhile it also increases accessibility, advances online navigation and has improved the overall health of his employees. How did they do it? Listen to the talk John Torinus gave at a Commonwealth North forum in Anchorage this week on Addressing Alaskans. KSKA: Thursday 11/8 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

HIV / AIDS in Alaska

There is no cure for HIV / AIDS, but there are medications that can dramatically slow the progression of the disease. Monday on Line One, Dr. Woodard and his guests will explore the basic knowledge of HIV / AIDS and the available resources in Alaska. KSKA: 11/5 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Bruckner’s Last Finale by Dick Reichman

Anton Bruckner was one of the most innovative and original composers of the 19th century. And now, local playwright Dick Reichman has brought this complex character to the stage in Bruckner's Last Finale opening tonight at Cyrano's Theatre Company. Join Dick and director Bob Pond as they talk about this oft misunderstood genius this week on Stage Talk. Friday 11/2 at 2:45 pm

First 3 Subsistence Fishermen Found Guilty

Trials began yesterday for two dozen Kuskokwim subsistence fishermen who allegedly fished with salmon nets when they were restricted this past summer. The first three fishermen were found guilty at the Bethel District Court House today. The politics of subsistence rights versus state restrictions weighs far heavier on the trials than the violations themselves, worth $250 each

Ancient Marine Reptiles are Topic of Recent Norwegian Journal and Fairbanks Scientist’s Research

It’s hard to imagine that oceans in the far north once teemed with ancient marine reptiles. But 145 million years ago, that’s exactly what was happening a couple hundred miles north of mainland Europe. A region east of Greenland and north of Norway used to be home to a whole slew of giant sea-faring reptiles. “It is literally one of the richest places in the world for marine reptiles like Plesiosuars and Ichthyosuars,” says Pat Druckenmiller.

Task Force to Gather Testimony on Sex Trafficking in Alaska

Gathering information about the scale of the problem of sex trafficking in Alaska will be the focus of a state hearing on the issue next week. The lengthily titled State of Alaska Task Force on the Crimes of Human Trafficking, Promoting Prostitution and Sex Trafficking will hold hearings in Anchorage and Bethel. Cori Badgley is an assistant Attorney General with the state. She says domestic violence and sexual assault of children are usually in the backgrounds of victims of sex trafficking. She says it's important for Alaskans to weigh in on this crime.

Homer Residents Express Growing Frustration with Endeavor Oil Rig

A public meeting between representatives of Buccaneer Energy and concerned Homer citizens turned contentious Tuesday night, with many people wondering why the company’s ‘Endeavor’ jack-up rig is still parked at the Homer harbor nearly two months after its arrival. Company officials say the rig will soon be moving to drill in the Cosmopolitan Unit near Anchor Point but as KBBI’s Aaron Selbig reports, the State of Alaska says that’s not likely to happen.

Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Abuse

The leading causes of death in adolescents are linked to teen drinking and drug use. However, alcohol is responsible for more teen deaths than all other drugs combined. Mondays' Line One guest is Dr. John R Knight founder and director of the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research at Children’s Hospital Boston. His goal is to improve screening and intervention for adolescent substance abuse in medical office settings. KSKA: 10/29 at 2:00 pm