Outdoor Explorer
Outdoor Explorer invites listeners to step outside into Alaska. Discover a new trail or fishing hole, learn what to pack, when to go, and most importantly how to stay safe. Learn about life-long fitness and get inspired to go outside in the backcountry from the people who know the land best – outdoor guides, park rangers, coaches, authors, artists, lodge owners, bush pilots, educators and you, the explorer.
Contact us: outdoorexplorer@alaskapublic.org
Listen to Outdoor Explorer on KSKA FM 91.1 in Anchorage, AK.
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
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Alyeska decided to end their volunteer ski patrol last fall. To celebrate the patrol's history, folks gathered to tell stories and reminisce.
Host Paul Twardock visited the Anchorage Solstice Festival at the Cuddy Family Midtown Park interviewing organizers, politicians and the events and ice rink founders.
The Yukon is a land of vast wilderness. Sometimes you need a little guidance in a wild landscape.
With record amounts of snow comes lots of interest in recreating in the mountains. Hear from avalanche experts about staying safe outside.
Zoë Rom is an elite ultra runner and author. She discusses climate activism and running, the importance of community and how to stay active.
Graham Zimmerman, professional climber and author, talks about his epic climbs, facing danger and the lessons he's learned along the way.
Get stoked on winter with these stories about avalanches, skiing and mountaineering.
The Prince William Sound Stewardship Foundation and Mission Blue have teamed up to designate PWS an Ocean Blue "Hope Spot."
Along with placing winter single track trails, Aurora Hablett uses geographic data to create maps in shapes with GPS visualization.
Eric Parsons started designing bags that fit on bike frames to enable his epic trips. Eventually he quit his day job and made it a business.