The "For Sale" signs are popping up on street corners everywhere. Summer is often a good time to sell a house, since the grass is green and the flowers are blooming. That's good curb appeal.
Yet news accounts of the home market suggest that the Nov. 30 earthquake has slowed sales. Buyers are wary of purchasing a damaged home, and homeowners with damage are figuring out how to fix, or if they can fix, their homes.
The state's large and growing number of Baby Boomers may mean couples want to downsize to smaller homes, putting their larger homes on the market. Yet, the affordable housing crisis in this state, as around the country, can keep interested buyers from being able to qualify.
The housing marketplace is certainly a moving target. The state's current fiscal debate undoubtedly can affect decisions to stay and invest in the state, or get out fast.
On today's Hometown Alaska, we've invited three keen observers of the housing market to sit with us and discuss what they see and know about what's going on in the marketplace. As always, your questions and comments are welcome throughout the program.
HOST: Kathleen McCoy
- Neal Fried, economist for the State ofAlaska
- Terry Fields, assistant professor, UAA School of Business, director Weidner program
- Jan Miyagishima, director of mortgage operations, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
- 'Why housing prices have not dropped during the recession,' Alaska Economic Trends, August 2018
- 'Housing a steady market," Alaska Economic Trends, May 2017
- 'Rents, vacancies up slightly,' Alaska Economic Trends, September 2018
- Alaska Housing Information, 1st Qtr 2019 LIVE (average house prices, mortgage interest rates, foreclosures) Dept of Labor and Workforce Development
- The Housing Continuum: Building a Vibrant Community, Alaska Common Ground housing series, March 2019
- MLS, Market Summary Report, Anchorage, 2019
- MLS, Market Summary Report, Eagle River, 2019
- MLS, Market Summary Report, Wasilla, 2019
- MLS, Market Summary Report, Palmer, 2019
- 10-Year Comparison Report, (rents) Anchorage
- 10-Year Comparison Report, (house sales) Anchorage
- Economic impacts of the Vetoes on the Alaska Economy, ISER report, July 8, 2019
- Call 550-8433 (Anchorage) or 1-888-353-5752 (statewide) during the live broadcast (2:00 – 3:00pm)
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- Post your comment or question below (comments may be read on air)
- LIVE: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 2:00 p.m
- REPEAT: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.