Just before a sure-fire reelection bid, a North Carolina senator is faced with a mass shooting in his state and has to reexamine the second amendment and his own personal values and views on politics and religion in Jason Odell Williams' new play Church and State. RKP Productions is opening its season with this moving, often humorous look at a hot topic October 13-19 at the Alaska Experience Theatre located on 4th and C streets in downtown Anchorage. This week on Stage Talk director Dick Reichman, Producer Audrey Kelly and Actor Mark Stoneburner are joined by playwright Jason Odell Williams.
- Jason Odell Williams, Playwright
- Dick Reichman, Director
- Audrey Kelly, Producer
- Mark Stoneburner, Actor
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, October 13 at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- RKP Productions
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- Scared Scriptless