Stage Talk continues its summer series of focusing on upcoming seasons and this week we invite Reed Smith, General Director of Anchorage Opera to drop by and let us know what they have in store for their "Happily Ever After" 2017-18 season.
Anchorage Opera's 2017-2018 Season
- Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti. November 3, 4 and 5
- As One Music and Concept by Laura Kaminsky, Libretto by Mark Campbell and Kimberly Reed. February 9, 10 and 11
- Candide by Leonard Bernstein. April 7 and 8
- Reed Smith, General Director, Anchorage Opera
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, June 16 at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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Stage Talk Calendar For information about upcoming or current shows, please click on a link below.
- Anchorage Symphony
- Midnight Sun Theatre
- Blue Chair Productions
- Last Frontier Theatre Conference
- Anchorage Dinner Theatre
- Perseverance Theatre
- Cyrano's Theatre Company
- UAA Theatre and Dance
- UAA Music
- Anchorage Community Theatre
- Pulse Dance Company
- Valley Performing Arts
- Alaska Fine Arts Academy
- TBA Theatre
- Alaska Dance Theatre
- Anchorage Opera
- Momentum Dance Collective
- Out North Contemporary Art House
- RKP Productions
- Toss Pot Productions
- Urban Yeti Improv
- Scared Scriptless