Alora Zulliger (center) and Tyler Smith (right) in The Secret Garden now playing in Wasilla. Photo courtesy Cathy Sage, VPASome of the youngest actors now performing in Alaska, Alora Zulliger and Tyler Smith from Valley Performing Arts join host Mark Muro on Stage Talk this week to talk about their upcoming production of The Secret Garden. Like Alora and Tyler many of the attendees to the Last Frontier Theatre Conference got their start in community theater in Alaska. Conference coordinator, Ryan Buen is also on Stage Talk this week to talk about this year's eighth annual conference coming up on May 16 - 23 in Valdez.Download Audio (MP3)HOSTS:
- Mark Muro, theater critic
- Jean Paal, theater critic
- Alora Zulliger, actress, The Secret Garden
- Tyler Smith, actor, The Secret Garden
- Ryan Buen, assistant conference coordinator, Last Frontier Theatre Conference
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Fri, April 30, 2010 at 2:15 p.m.SUBSCRIBE: Get Stage Talk updates automatically — via e-mail, RSS or podcasts