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AWAC Presents: Eva Nowotny

What can the United States learn from the European Union? "Create unity out of diversity." Describing the  EU's strategic slogan, Eva Nowotny says, "Leave a base of rich and rewarding diversity, but build a unified structure over it." The Ambassador of Austria gives an update on the European Union and where Austria stands as a current member. Despite declining indigenous populations, combined with increased immigration, integration and union was the underlying theme of Nowotny's speech, detailing the EU's recent progress as a political organization.

RECORDED: May 30, 2008 at the Hilton AnchorageAIRED ON KSKA: May 23, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.


Alaska World Affairs Council Presents is a public service partnership of the Alaska World Affairs Council and KSKA Public Radio. You can attend a variety of live AWAC speaking events in Anchorage. Check out the list of upcoming speakers and topics on the AWAC Events Calendar.


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