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AWAC Presents: Svein Ludvigsen

Conflicts in the Arctic, taken from Svein Ludvigsen's slideshow It would be easy to listen to this speech, "International Focus on the Arctic: fisheries, environment, climate change, petroleum and conflicts between theses interests," as though the Governor of Tromso County, Norway is talking about Alaska. "Anchorage's sister city," Tromso County is located inside the Arctic Circle, sharing the same latitude as Barrow, Alaska. Today, Tromso Country is faced with many of the same questions as Alaskans. International pressure to drill for petroleum offshore conflicts with fears of harming the fisheries and the environment. Climate change has changed the landscape and the future is uncertain. Ice caps are melting, shipping channels are opening up, drilling has commenced and suddenly international focus on the Arctic has increased. Recorded at the Alaska World Affairs Council on May 16, audience member pose questions about heating costs in rural communities, renewable resources and military activity.RECORDED: May 16, 2008 at the Hilton AnchorageAIRED ON KSKA: May 23, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.


Alaska World Affairs Council Presents is a public service partnership of the Alaska World Affairs Council and KSKA Public Radio. You can attend a variety of live AWAC speaking events in Anchorage. Check out the list of upcoming speakers and topics on the AWAC Events Calendar.


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