Hosts Mark Muro and Kristina Church profile two Anchorage shows this week. First they chat with Broadway Kidz's Jill Bess with Lizzie Gogolosky and Leah Matfield from Alaska Theater of Youth's production of Suessical, the Musical, based on Dr. Seuss stories.In the second half meet Veronica Page and John Fraiser, performers in their self-titled cabaret show, Veronica and John: Together Again, running at the Wild Berry Theater.HOSTS: Mark Muro and Kristina Church, actors and theatre criticsGUESTS:
- Jill Bess, Broadway Kidz and director of ATY's production of Seussical, The Musical
- Lizzie Gogolosky and Leah Matfield, actors in Seussical, The Musical
- Veronica Page and John Fraiser, performers in Veronica and John: Together Again at the Wild Berry Theater
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Fri, July 20, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.PARTICIPATE: Post your comment or question belowSUBSCRIBE: Get Stage Talk updates automatically by e-mail, RSS or podcast.